25 (Click on the icon to view details)


[PC] Any 1, 2, 3, and 4 Star Legendary Mod Of Your Choice

[PC] Any 1, 2, 3, and 4 Star Legendary Mod Of Your Choice
[PC] Any 1, 2, 3, and 4 Star Legendary Mod Of Your Choice - image
1 885
  • 20 mins.
  • in 20 days
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 - 4 0% 1.00
5 - 14 10% 0.90
15 - 19 40% 0.60
> 19 50% 0.50
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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Available mods:

1st stars:




Auto Stim









Ghoul Slayer's






Life Saving


Mutant Slayer's









Two Shot

Unyielding (Gain up to +3 to All Stats (except END) when Health is Low)





2st stars:

Agility (+2 Agility)

Antiseptic (+25% Reduced Disease Chance From Environmental Hazards)

Basher's (+50% Bash Damage)

Charisma (+2 Charisma)

Crippling (+50% Limb Damage)

Endurance (+2 Endurance)

Explosive (Projectiles explode for +20% weapon damage)

Fireproof (+25 Fire Resistance)

Glutton (Hunger and Thirst Grow 10% Slower)

Hardy (Receive 7% Less Explosion Damage)

HazMat (+25 Radiation Resistance)

Heavy Hitter's (+40% Power Attack Damage)

Hitman's (+25% Damage While Aiming)

Inertial (Replenish 15 Action Points with Each Kill)

Intelligence (+2 Intelligence)

Last Shot (The last round in a magazine has a 25% chance to Deal +100% Damage)

Luck (+2 Luck)

Perception (+2 Perception)

Poisoner's (+25 Poison Resistance)

Powered (+5% Action Point Regen)

Rapid ([Ranged] +25% Weapon Speed / [Melee] +40% Weapon Speed)

Riposting (+50% Melee Damage Reflection While Blocking)

Steady (+25% Melee Damage While Not Moving)

Strength (+2 Strength)

VATS Enhanced (+50% Chance to Hit a Target in VATS)

Vital (+50% Critical Damage)

Warming (+25 Cryo Resistance)

3st stars:

Acrobat's (-50% Fall Damage)

Adamantium (Receive 15% less Limb Damage)

Agility (+3 Agility)

Arms Keeper's (Weapon Weights Reduced by 20%)

Belted (Ammo Weight Reduced by 20%)

Burning (5% chance to deal 12 Fire damage per second for 3 to Melee Attackers)


Defender's ([Armor] -15% Damage Taken While Blocking / [Melee] -40% Damage Taken While Power Attacking)

Dissipating % Radiation Damage Recovery)

Diver's (Breathe Underwater)

Doctor's (+5% Effectiveness of Stimpaks, RadAway, and Rad-X)

Durability (Breaks 50% slower)

Electrified (5% chance to deal 12 Energy damage per second for 3 to Melee Attackers)

Endurance (+3 Endurance)

Frozen (5% chance to deal 12 Cryo damage per second for 4 to Melee Attackers)

Ghost's (10% Chance to cause the Player to be Invisible for 2 seconds when Hitting a Target)

Lightweight (-90% weight)

Luck (+3 Luck)

Lucky (+15 Bonus VATS Critical Charge)

Nimble (+100% Faster Movement Speed While Aiming)

Pack Rat's (Junk Item Weights Reduced by 20%)

Perception (+3 Perception)

Resilient (+250 Damage Resistance While Reloading)

Safecracker's (Increases Size of Sweet-Spot While Picking Locks by 2)

Secret Agent's (+25% Less Noise While Sneaking +25% Reduce Detection Chance)

Sentinel's (75% Chance to Reduce Damage by 15% While Not Moving)

Steadfast (+50 Damage Resistance While Aiming)

Strength (+3 Strength)

Swift (+15% Reload Speed)

Thru Hiker's (Food, Drink, and Chem Weights Reduced by 20%)

Toxic (5% chance to deal 12 Poison damage per second for 7 to Melee Attackers.)

VATS Optimized (-25% Action Point Cost)

4 stars:

* Aegis (Fortifies Physical & Energy Resists by +50 and Poison, Cryo & Fire Resists by +20 for Wearer & Teammates Within a 50ft Radius)
* Battle-Loader's (15% Chance to Instantly Reload When Bashing Enemies)
* Bruiser's (Melee Weapons Deal +5% Bonus Damage)
* Bully's (+3 Agility When attacking outside of VATS, deal +50% bonus weak-point damage)
* Choo-Choo's (10% chance for 500 damage & "Bloody Mess" when sprinting into targets(up to 50% chance on full stack))
* Combo-Breaker's (When Dealing Damage, 50% Chance to Not Use Action Points(10% Chance for Auto-Melee Weapons)
* Conductor's (Critical hits restore 5% of health & action points for the player & teammates within a 50ft radius)
* Electrician's (When reloading, emit a shock wave that stuns nearby targets for 3s)
* Encircler's (+10% damage for each combat target around you (up to 50%))
* Fencer's (+12.5% Melee Damage. Additional +12.5% for Each Nearby Teammate (up to +50% on Full Team)
* Fracturer's (When crippling limbs, they explode and deal up to 50 explosion damage to nearby targets)
* Icemen's (Applies Cryo on Hit That Slow Targets When Dealing Damage in VATS)
* Limit-Breaking (Each Worn Armor Piece Reduces the Cost of Critical Hits by -10%)
* Miasma's (When Hit, a Poisonous Cloud Harms Nearby Targets for 10s)
* Pin-Pointer's (+50% damage when targeting enemy appendages (i.e. Arms, Legs))
* Polished (The greater the equipped item condition(+100%), the greater the weapon damage(up to +60%))
* Pounder's (+1% Auto & +10% Non-Auto Damage Buff After Each Consecutive Melee Hit on the Same Combat Target (up to +100%))
* Propelling (Movement & sprint speed increased by +5%(up to 25% on full stack))
* Pyromaniac's (When combat target is burning, deal +50% bonus damage)
* Radioactive-Powered (Gain +2 Action point regen at the cost of RADS(up to +10 action point regen on full stack))
* Ranger's (Ranged Weapons Deal +5% Bonus Damage)
* Reflective (Return 10% of damage received from an enemy target back towards them(up to 50% on full stack))
* Rejuvenator's (Gradually restores wearer's and teammates' health & action points within a 50ft radius)
* Runner's (Sprinting Action Point Cost Reduced by -20%)
* Sawbones (Health Regenerates Slowly (+1 Health per second))
* Scanner's (Action point cost of VATS attack reduces by -5%(up to -25% on full stack))
* Stabilizer's (Improves Weapon Recoil & Stability by +50%)
* Stalwart's (Power armor breaks 5% slower for owner & all teammates within a 50ft radius(up to 25% slower on full stack))
* Tanky's (+200 Damage Resist for 10s When Standing Still (20s Cooldown))
* Viper's (When a combat target is poisoned, deal +50% bonus damage)

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