25 (Click on the icon to view details)


Fresh Server【65 LVL】【1329 Doubloon】【698 GS】【11 Artifacts】【20 SAS/20R/20S/20GS】【 161T&S/97H/107L/79M】

Fresh Server【65 LVL】【1329 Doubloon】【698 GS】【11 Artifacts】【20 SAS/20R/20S/20GS】【 161T&S/97H/107L/79M】
EU - Draco
Fresh Server【65 LVL】【1329 Doubloon】【698 GS】【11 Artifacts】【20 SAS/20R/20S/20GS】【 161T&S/97H/107L/79M】 - image
1 1
  • 1 hours
  • 16:14:56
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 0% 165.00
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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Screenshots in pm
Draco- EU Central
Rise of the angry earth
65 lvl Fresh Server
Azoth Stalker Mount
40000 Faction Tokens
No Faction
Weapon master
【Hatchet- 15
【Rapier - 20
【Sword and Shield - 20
【Great Axe - 14
【Blunderbuss - 10
【Spear - 20
【Greatsword - 20
【Musket - 17
【Fire Staff -8
Trade Skills:
【Logging - 107
【Mining - 79
【Harvesting - 97
【Track & Skinning - 161
【Smelting - 100
【Woodworking - 101
【Weaving - 98
【Stonecutting - 71
【Leatherworking - 84
【Riding - 91
【Weaponsmithing - 90
【Armoring - 91
【Engineering - 28
【Jewelcrafting - 14
【Arcana - 80
【Cooking - 72
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I donchr(chr(chr('39')39chr('39'))39chr(chr('39')39chr('39')))t answer for a long time = ichr(chr(chr('39')39chr('39'))39chr(chr('39')39chr('39')))m sleeping
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