NA West - Clay
NA West - Soulfire
SA East - Camila
EU - Basilisk
NA West - Sanctum
NA West - Ashur
AP - Bailey
SA East - Glacial
SA East - Legion
NA East - Dracoryft
AP - Salvation
NA East - Kastleton
AP - Stormbringer
AP - Alexia
NA East - Benediction
NA West - Melvin
SA East - Felix
NA East - Lottie
NA West - Lukas
AP - Taion
AP - Aridus
EU - Bellandir
EU - Ezekiel
NA East - Chernobog
EU - Excavator
EU - Arkhan
NA West - Kamur
AP - Sylaveth
NA East - Helpie
SA East - DaVinci
NA East - Laslan
SA East - Citadel
NA West - Crimson
NA West - Lunar
AP - Kowazan
AP - Leviathan
EU - Ember
EU - Cornelius
EU - Conquest
SA East - Edwin
SA East - Brundel
SA East - Grace
EU - Benny
AP - Adventus
SA East - Berserk
NA - Amos
NA East - Karnix
EU - Adriana
NA East - Magna
NA West - Henry
- Only auction house
- Just place item with amount lucent what you buying from me
- Write me about item in chat
- No stones, food
- The item you are exhibiting must be less than 100 positions on the market!
- A large sum should be divided into several items. example. After purchase let you know
We dont cover fee
Delivery time 1-3 hours (Sometimes need more time)