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⭐️[EU/NA] Elegant Lining x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Elegant Lining x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️


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Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[NA] Rosin x300 / 1 unit = 300 items⭐️

⭐️[NA] Rosin x300 / 1 unit = 300 items⭐️


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  • 20 mins.
  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[PC-NA] Tempering Alloy x100 / 1 unit = 100 items⭐️

⭐️[PC-NA] Tempering Alloy x100 / 1 unit = 100 items⭐️


North America
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  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[EU/NA] Crafting any Gold ring/neck any set⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Crafting any Gold ring/neck any set⭐️


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Stock 1 - 3421
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⭐️[EU/NA] Epic (Purple) glyphs 150-160СP for parsing for pumping enchantment x100 / price per 100⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Epic (Purple) glyphs 150-160СP for parsing for pumping enchantment x100 / price per 100⭐️


  • 20 mins.
  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 1232
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⭐️[EU/NA] Violet Coprinus x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Violet Coprinus x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️


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Stock 1 - 2132
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⭐️[PC-EU] Tempering Alloy x100 / 1 unit = 100 items⭐️

⭐️[PC-EU] Tempering Alloy x100 / 1 unit = 100 items⭐️


  • 20 mins.
  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 1232
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⭐️[EU/NA] Grain Solvent x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Grain Solvent x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️


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  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 2132
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⭐️[EU/NA] Torchbug Thorax x500 / 1 unit = 500 items⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Torchbug Thorax x500 / 1 unit = 500 items⭐️


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Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[EU/NA] Corrupting Bloody Mara x500 / 1 unit = 500 items⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Corrupting Bloody Mara x500 / 1 unit = 500 items⭐️


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Stock 1 - 1232
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⭐️[EU/NA] Dragon's Blood x100 / 1 unit = 100 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Dragon's Blood x100 / 1 unit = 100 items ⭐️


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Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[EU/NA] Mundane Rune x100 / 1 unit = 100 items⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Mundane Rune x100 / 1 unit = 100 items⭐️


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  • 20 mins.
  • in 8 months
Stock 1 - 2321
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⭐️[EU/NA] Corn Flower x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Corn Flower x500 / 1 unit = 500 items ⭐️


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Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[EU] KUTA x300 / 1 unit = 300 items⭐️

⭐️[EU] KUTA x300 / 1 unit = 300 items⭐️


  • 20 mins.
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Stock 1 - 2133
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⭐️[EU]  Mythic Psijic Ambrosia + 150% experience⭐️

⭐️[EU] Mythic Psijic Ambrosia + 150% experience⭐️


  • 20 mins.
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Stock 1 - 3342
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⭐️[EU/NA] Iridium Plating x200 / 1 unit = 200 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Iridium Plating x200 / 1 unit = 200 items ⭐️


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  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 2312
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⭐️[EU/NA] Scrib Jelly x600 / 1 unit = 600 items ⭐️

⭐️[EU/NA] Scrib Jelly x600 / 1 unit = 600 items ⭐️


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  • 20 mins.
  • in 7 months
Stock 1 - 1232
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What drives the MMO players? Why they are willing to spend multiple hours a day in a game that does not seem to have an ending? Why do they run through the same set of dungeons multiple times and don't seem tired or bored? You guessed it, its the loot. Each time you defeat an enemy in ESO, you get rewarded with random loot. The stronger the enemy, the better the rewards, so defeating trial bosses awards The Best ESO Items. However, grinding is not for everyone, and repeatable activities can bore some players to death. This is why we offer you the largest stock of ESO Recipes, Essences, Aetherial Dust and other useful things. Here, you can stack up on any ESO Items you might ever need during your in-game adventures, so grinding will not be an issue anymore. Our prices are always the best thanks to a large number of proven sellers. All Items posted on Odealo come from reliable and legit players so you can be sure of the safety of your purchases. You will not find a better place to Buy ESO Items than Odealo. Don't hesitate, take advantage of our offers and save yourself a lot of time that you would have to otherwise spend on hours upon hours of grinding. With our help, you will be able to focus on the most enjoyable aspects of your favorite game. It doesn't matter what you are looking for, we have it all, from ESO Aetherial Dust to ESO Essences, all readily available for purchase. Thanks to our store, you can considerably raise the power-level of your character and face even the toughest challenges the game has to offer with a smile on your face.

Becoming powerful in ESO

Why do ordinary people, that live in Tamriel, decide to throw their safe, calm lives away and set off on an adventure? Why do they decide to risk everything? Sometimes they just want to try something more thrilling than an everyday job. Sometimes they want to run away from something or someone. But, most of the time, they want to test their fortunes and become treasure hunters. The prospect of becoming rich, famous, and powerful is what drives them. The same thing drives hundreds of thousands of players because obtaining valuable or powerful loot is one of the most satisfying things in any MMO. Getting powerful ESO Items and using them to raise the character's power level lays at the base of all Elder Scrolls games, and it is what makes them fun. However, the best loot is often hidden behind gear and skill walls that force players to progress gradually; going to the hardest trials straight from leveling is almost impossible. This creates the "gear progression" route that every player has to take. The progression is what takes the most in-game time. Luckily, in ESO, progressing through the content is, most of the time, fun and enjoyable (unless you are trying to drop specific items, it can become very annoying in that case), throughout all difficulty levels, and the process can be sped up thanks to the fact that players can Buy ESO Items, from other players, to boost their progress. Sadly, buying items requires currency, and making currency sometimes takes even more time than dropping the desired items. This is why players that don't have too much time to spare on grinding should consider getting their ESO Items from a safe and proven outside source, like Odealo. Doing this will enable them to enjoy the game to its fullest without the need for tedious, repeatable chores.

Types of ESO Items

Elder Scrolls Online, like any other MMO, has a very wide range of lootable items. The sheer quantity of stuff that drops can be overwhelming, especially to new players, because the game does not shy away from showering players with loot. If we consider the fact that almost everything has its use and price, it is very easy to skip something very valuable. To help new players avoid that, we have prepared a shortlist of all types of ESO Items:

  • Woodworking Materials - Gems, Wood, Sanded Wood, and Resins. These materials are used, as the name suggests, in Woodworking. Resins improve shields and armaments. Gems can be used for crafting ESO Items with traits. Wood can be refined into sanded wood that is used as a crafting ingredient for staves, bows, and shields.
  • Trophies - Collectible items that are awarded for completing certain activities and quests. Dropping them automatically progresses the player's Trophies Achievements. They usually don't have uses, are bind on pickup, and vendor for a good amount of money.
  • Tools - Various utility goods with many different uses. This type includes Repair Kits (used for gear repairs), Lockpicks (used for opening locked doors and chests), and Soul Gems (used for recharging enchantments and reviving fallen comrades).
  • Style Materials - Secondary crafting ingredients that determine the created item's style. If looks are important to you, you should take a closer look at these ESO Items before crafting your gear.
  • Runestones - ESO Items used for crafting Glyphs. There are three kinds of runestones: Aspect Runes, Essence Runes, and Potency Runes. Each Glyph has to contain one of each type. They can be dropped from the runestone nodes or extracted from already existing Glyphs.
  • Recipes - Pieces of paper that describe food or beverage crafting techniques. There are over 5500 recipes that range from standard to legendary quality. Please note that learning a recipe removes it from the player's inventory.
  • Provisioning Ingredients - Raw cooking and brewing materials, needed for the creation of food and drinks. Players need large stacks of these ESO Items to develop their Provisioning skill.
  • Quest Items - Special assets acquired during quests. Unlike standard items, these do not take inventory space and cannot be sold, traded, or stored in a bank. Abandoning a quest will automatically destroy all items associated with it.
  • Potions - Alchemy consumables that can be bought, found, or created by players. Potions include standard Stamina, Health, and Magicka restoring mixtures, Poisons, powerful Draughts, and Rogue's Potions that affect the Justice system.
  • Notes - Letters and hand-written messages found in the game. They usually serve as lore-related pieces.
  • Jewelry - Decorative Rings and Necklaces, worn by NPCs and players. They are full-fledged gear pieces that provide various powerful bonuses and can be crafted, transmuted or deconstructed.
  • Glyphs - Materials, used in enchanting, that created from runestones. Glyph level is determined by the Potency rune used for its creation. Its effect is related to the Essence Rune used, and its quality is determined by the Aspect rune.
  • Food - Provisioning Ingredients that were processed by a cook. They provide temporary boosts to the player's attributes. You can usually Buy ESO Items of this type, quite cheaply, from other players or from certain NPCs. Food effects don't stack.
  • Drinks - Provisioning Ingredients that were processed by a cook. They increase the player's attribute regeneration. They can be bought from NPC Brewers or from other players. Drink effects don't stack.
  • Disguises - Special type of quest items, used during infiltration missions to blend in around enemies. Wearing a disguise makes you neutral with an enemy faction that you are disguised as a member of. They can be worn anywhere, but their effects are active only in dedicated quest areas.
  • Currency - ESO's Circulating Mediums. These include Alliance Points, Writ Vouchers, Tel Var Stones, and Gold.
  • Crafting Motifs - Essential Woodworking, Clothing, and Blacksmithing ESO Items. They unlock certain gear styles that allow players to modify the looks of created assets.
  • Contraband - General term used for describing all stolen goods. These items can be sold only to fences. Contraband Items have no uses, but Contraband Clothing can be worn. Players can't Buy ESO Items of this type.
  • Clothing Materials - Crafting ingredients used in the Clothing profession. Light and Medium armors can be created out of them.
  • Books - Texts that contain Elder Scrolls lore, information about certain skills, crafting styles, or are needed for quests. Some lore books also reveal map locations. They are divided into collections and libraries.
  • Blacksmithing Materials - Crafting ingredients used in the Blacksmithing profession. Heavy armors and metal armaments can be created out of them.
  • Artifacts - Powerful ESO Items that grant special abilities to their owners. They are usually tied to quests or temporarily granted in PvP. Droppable artifacts were replaced by the Monster Helms system in update 4.
  • Alchemy Ingredients - Crafting ingredients used in the Alchemy profession. Various powerful Potions and potent Poisons can be crafted out of them.
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The names Elder Scrolls Online, as well as related names, marks, and images, are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
ZeniMax Media Inc is the sole owner of Elder Scrolls Online Gold, Items, Accounts, or any other virtual goods available within Elder Scrolls Online's game world.

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