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League of Legends boosting is a practice where a skilled player plays on someone else's account, with the goal of increasing the account's rank or improving its MMR (Matchmaking Rating). Boosting is generally done for monetary gain or to achieve a specific rank or rewards.

Boosting isn't accepted officialy within the League of Legends's community, as it undermines the competitive integrity of the game and provides an unfair advantage to the boosted player. Boosted players may find themselves playing in games that are beyond their skill level, which can lead to frustration for both the boosted player and their teammates. This leads to such services being offered solely on external websites, and usually for real-life currency, and is considered to be purely RMT practice. Odealo is one of the most secure marketplaces, which offers space for LoL players to offer such services, and with the company's wide experience in MMO Trading, it is one of the best places to Buy, Sell, and Trade League of Legends Boosting and Power Leveling services. 



In League of Legends, ranked games are a competitive mode of play that allows players to compete against each other to determine their skill level and progress through a ranking system. Here's a general overview of how ranked games work:

Placement Matches: Before you can start climbing the ranked ladder, you must first complete a series of placement matches. The number of placement matches required may vary from season to season, but it's typically around 10 games.

Rank Tiers and Divisions: After completing your placement matches, you'll be placed into a rank tier and division based on your performance. The rank tiers in order from lowest to highest are Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger.

LP and MMR: Your rank is determined by your LP (League Points), which you earn by winning games, and your MMR (Matchmaking Rating), which is a hidden rating that determines the skill level of your opponents and teammates. Winning games earns you LP and increases your MMR, while losing games reduces your LP and lowers your MMR.

Promotion and Demotion: Within each division, you must earn enough LP to advance to the next division or tier. Once you reach 100 LP, you'll enter a promotion series where you'll need to win a certain number of games to advance. If you fail the promotion series, you'll stay in your current division but lose LP. If you lose enough games, you can also be demoted to a lower division or tier.

Seasonal Resets: At the end of each season, your rank will be reset, and you'll need to complete a new set of placement matches to determine your starting rank for the next season.

In summary, ranked games in League of Legends are a competitive mode of play that allows players to progress through a ranking system by earning LP and MMR, winning promotion matches, and advancing through rank tiers and divisions.

In League of Legends, there are 9 different ranked tiers, with 4 divisions within each tier. Here are the ranks from lowest to highest:

  • Iron - Divisions IV, III, II, I
  • Bronze - Divisions IV, III, II, I
  • Silver - Divisions IV, III, II, I
  • Gold - Divisions IV, III, II, I
  • Platinum - Divisions IV, III, II, I
  • Diamond - Divisions IV, III, II, I
  • Master
  • Grandmaster
  • Challenger

Players start in Iron IV after completing their placement matches and work their way up through the tiers and divisions by winning games and earning LP (League Points). The highest rank is Challenger, which is reserved for the top 200 players in each region.

Each ranked tier has a unique badge and visual appearance, and the higher the rank, the more challenging it is to climb the ladder. Each rank also has a minimum and maximum LP range, which determines when players are eligible for promotion or demotion to the next tier or division.



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The names League of Legends, LoL, as well as related names, marks, and images, are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Riot Games is the sole owner of League of Legends Accounts, Skins, Items, or any other virtual goods that may be connected to services offered on this website and its subpages. Transfer of such ownership is technically and legally impossible, and as such, it is not a subject of any transaction concluded herein. All transactions made on our platform are related to services conducted by the Users to obtain and deliver virtual products within the game world.

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