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Temtem - Pansun/Gold for Sale


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✅All Platform✅Switch Pansun✅10k per unit✅Cheapest✅Instant Delivery

✅All Platform✅Switch Pansun✅10k per unit✅Cheapest✅Instant Delivery


  • 1 mins.
  • in 21 days
Unit = 10,000 Pansun
Units 1 - 998
Base price 0.36

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10k Pansun per unit PC Steam PS Xbox Switch Humble Minimum Order 5 USD

10k Pansun per unit PC Steam PS Xbox Switch Humble Minimum Order 5 USD


  • 20 mins.
  • in 2 months
Unit = 10,000 Pansun
Units 1 - 8071
Base price 0.20
Values may differ between servers, modes or platforms.

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⭐️Pansun Instant Delivery 24/7 - 1 Unit = 10k Pansun / min order 30units (300k)⭐️

⭐️Pansun Instant Delivery 24/7 - 1 Unit = 10k Pansun / min order 30units (300k)⭐️


  • 20 mins.
  • in 2 months
Unit = 10,000 Pansun
Units 1 - 5311
Base price 0.37
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Temtem Pansun Humble-PS5-NS-Xbox One-Steam - 1UNIT = 10K

Temtem Pansun Humble-PS5-NS-Xbox One-Steam - 1UNIT = 10K


  • 20 mins.
  • in 26 days
Unit = 10,000 Pansun
Units 1 - 9900
Base price 0.19
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Temtem Pansuns / Temtem Currency

Temtem, a Monster Capture online game crafted for modern days, has taken the market by storm. It has all the "classic" features players know and love in such games and adds many new, interesting mechanics and tools of convenience that further enhance the experience. One of Temtem's strong points is definitely the, almost unrestricted, in-game trading system. The game does not prevent players from engaging in trades, on the contrary, in fact, player-to-player exchanges are an inherent part of the experience and add the whole new economic layer to player's adventures in the Airborne Archipelago. Temtem Pansuns, the main in-game currency, is what drives the game's economy and allows players to evolve their Temtems, expand their collections, and buy powerful consumables. Temtem's focus on the economic aspects means that running out of Temtem Currency will greatly hinder one's progression speed. This is why it is good to know how to make money in Temtem, here are a few suggestions:

  • The most popular and the easiest way of making Temtem Pansuns is battling (and winning) against NPC Tamers. Each duel that you win awards you with some in-game currency. This is a great place to start as it will teach you about battle mechanics and give you some much-needed pocket-money needed to kickstart your adventure. However, you should not rely on PvE duels for making money in the long run as there are many more profitable methods out there. 
  • During your adventures, you will find a lot of vendor trash hidden all around the Airborne Archipelago. We advise you to pick up everything you can (during the early game, at least). Vendor trash might not be worth too much, but it is still easy money. Doing this will make you some extra Temtem Pansuns, and hey - loot hoarding is one of the best parts of any MMO! 
  • On the Omninesia, Archipelago's second island, there are headquarters of the FreeTem! Organization (next to the Breeding Center). This organization believes in free Temtems and will gladly pay you for every Temtem that you capture and then release, just talk to the Organization's Coordinator in the headquarters. Releasing caught temtem will give you enough Temtem Currency to cover the costs of a TemCard and leave something extra in your pocket. To maximize the profitability of this method, you should (obviously) capture and release as many Temtem as you can; just remember to check their stats before doing so, or you might accidentally release a specimen that is worth keeping. Also, the harder to catch the Temtem is, the more Pansuns you'll get for releasing it. Currently, the best place to farm Temtem for money is located at the Ank Volcano (Water-type Temtem work the best as they counter Magnis and Mastinoe that are most common there). 
  • Getting Temtem Pansuns from an outside source, like Odealo, can be a great alternative to laborious farming. With just a few clicks, you can get enough in-game currency to cover all your future expenses. Thanks to our site, you will be able to enjoy the best aspects of the game without any grinding, just check out one of our unique offers. Purchasing Temtem Currency on Odealo is completely safe; buyer's safety is our top priority and all our sellers have undergone a thorough verification process to ensure that all services advertised on our site are of the top quality. 

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