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Dual Universe Items

One of the biggest differences between "theme park" and "sandbox" MMOs is the way they handle their items (we assume that the term "item" refers to any asset that can be carried by a player-character; this includes weapons, consumables, materials, vanity, and cosmetic items, and so on). in Theme park MMORPGs most items come from the PvE content, things like crafting and gathering play the supporting role, and NPV vendors ensure that every item has its minimal price. In Sandbox titles, like Dual Universe, every single item in the game is "created" by players either via gathering (mining, in this case) or refining and crafting, and there are no NPCs which means that artificial price bumps are not present. Because of this, players are the only motor that is powering DU's economy, and each of the available Dual Universe Items is worth as much as players are willing to pay for it. This creates a fluid player-driven economy that is the main selling point of all sandbox MMOs, but also their biggest downfall if it's design is faulty. 

All Dual Universe Items have to be stored somewhere in the in-game world as there are no virtual banks. This means that Storage Units (containers designed for holding large volumes of items) are an essential part of every player's base and their industry (storage units can be attached to industrial units, which will make production faster).  Moreover, items that are listed for sale on in-game player marketplaces still have to be stored in the marketplace's vicinity (so you can't use the marketplace as "free" storage space by posting up your stuff for prohibitive prices); this also means that you have to have a storage unit nearby if you want to Buy Dual Universe Items in larger quantities. Another consequence of this is the fact that items, which are stored outside of safe areas, are vulnerable to enemy player raids (another reason to join an Organization; a solo player will never be able to defend as effectively as an organized group). 

In the Dual Universe, the term "item" is used for all assets that can be stored inside of the player's inventory, which means that the term is extremely broad. To organize things a bit, we can divide Dual Universe Items into the following categories: 

  • Resources - In Dual Universe, planets, moons, and even asteroids teem with naturally occurring minerals that can be gathered via mining. These raw mined Dual Universe Items are called Resources. They can be located with special scanners and have varying levels of rarity (from very abundant - nodes buried up to 3 meters underground which are very easy to locate, to very rare - nodes which are small, difficult to locate, and usually placed very deep under the surface). Low tier resources (Tier 1 - Quartz, Hematite, Coal, and Bauxite, as well as Tier 2 - Limestone, Natron, Malachite, and Chromite) can be found on every planet, including the starting safe areas, while higher tier resources are only present far outside of the safe haven. Thanks to the player marketplaces, however, all you need to do to get high tier Dual Universe Resources safely is trade Tier 1 Ore for them. The most efficient way of mining large quantities of ore is based on using territory scanners to find the so-called supernodes (which are nodes that contain millions of liters of raw resources) and focusing exclusively on them, as they give the highest resource yield per hour when mining. Mined resources can be refined into materials, alloys, or even complete elements which, in turn, can be used in construction. If you want to focus on mining, we recommend you to focus on storage space and mining-related talent branches. 
  • Materials - Note: In Dual Universe, the term "materials" can also refer to Resources, in which case the phrase "Raw Materials" is used. The main meaning of the term, however, refers to the products of refining resources. A list of Materials, together with resources they are refined from looks as follows Quarts refines into Silicon, Hematite can be turned into Iron, Coal is a raw precursor of Carbon, Bauxite turns into Aliminium, Limestone - Calcium, Chromite - Chromium, Malachite - Copper, Natron - Sodium, Garnierite - Nickel, Petalite - Lithium, Pyrite - Sulfur, Acanthite - Silver, Cryolite - Fluorine, Cobaltite - Cobalt, Gold Nuggets - Gold, Kolbectite - Scandium, Vanadinite - Vanadium, Ilmenite - Titanium, Rhondite - Manganese, Columbite - Niobium. Refined materials vary in density, durability, and other general properties which makes them suitable for different uses. Heavy, but durable materials, like Iron, are best suited for Crafting and Building structures, while more rare materials with special properties, like Niobium or Gold, are better used for making high-end Elements. 
  • Alloys - Alloys are combinations of two or more types of Dual Universe Items (resources or materials). The simplest alloy present in the game is steel, which is created by combining iron with carbon. The main advantage of Alloys, over pure refined materials, is the fact that they often combine the most sought-after traits of their component materials. For example, combining iron with carbon allows you to create an Alloy that is much stronger than pure iron, but also much cheaper than pure carbon. Dual Universe Items of this type include Steel, Duralumin, and Silumin. 
  • Elements - This is a collective term for all player-built objects that can be stored in the inventory and are used for building constructs. All Elements have a pre-determined function, size, and shape (a territory scanner will always look... well, like a territory scanner). Typically, constructs consist of multiple different elements that complement each other's roles, for example, a space ship consists of, among other things, an engine element that provides thrust, a fuel tank element that provides fuel for the engine, a control unit through which player can control it (this 3 elements together create a very bare-bones flying machine). While elements vary greatly in their properties, function, and level of complication, they all have one thing in common - mainly, they are all crafted by players via an Assembly Unit or directly through the crafting system. Elements can be divided in multiple ways; The simplest way to categorize them is to divide them into ones that have a mechanical function (engines, scanners, etc.) - these are called Mesh, and the ones that don't have it (these are usually re-used in lather constructions where they serve as parts) - which are called Voxels. However, dividing these Dual Universe Items into categories based on their purpose is generally a better idea as it gives us much more information on how a given Element can be utilized in-game: 
    • Weapon Units - These elements are used for combat and can be further divided into Construct Weapons which are mounted on ships, vehicles, and stationary defenses, and much smaller character weapons that can be carried by players. Different Weapon Units have different properties, like damage and effectiveness against different types of materials (for example, energy-based weapons will be ineffective against ceramics, while kinetic weapons should work against them just fine). 
    • Storage Units - These Dual Universe Items are used for holding all kinds of in-game physical objects. Every Storage Unit has a maximum capacity that cannot be excited, however, the capacity of a unit can be increased by improving appropriate talents. A large capacity, well-designed storage space is a foundation upon which a player can build their own industry. 
    • Sensor Units - These elements can be linked with their surroundings to perform certain actions. Items of this type are often used for creating early-warning systems and automatic defenses (for example, a pressure plate can be used to create a trap or to automatize the process of opening doors). These also include buttons and switches that can be used to trigger certain events manually (like opening a shuttle hatch). 
    • Basic Logical Units - These are some of the simplest electronics players can attach to their creations to make them work in certain ways. For example, Relays convey a single signal to many outputs, Logic Gates only react to certain types of signals while ignoring others (they use operators, like NOT, OR, and AND), and Pulsers repeat signals at set intervals. 
    • Power Units - Constructs require power and these elements supply it to them. The two main types of Power Units are batteries that power personal equipment, and reactors that are used to power up big constructs, like space ships and buildings. 
    • Mechanism Units - Doors, Elevators, and Landing Gears, but also Lamps and Force Fields all fall into this category of Dual Universe Items. Basically, mechanism units are elements designed to perform a specific action or act in a specific way. 
    • Market Units - These allow players to Buy and Sell Dual Universe Items to other players (all in-game marketplaces are player-made and there are no NPC auctioneers or vendors). 
    • Industrial Units - As workhorses of the game's economy, these are used to produce resources, materials, parts, and even complete constructs. Elements like 3D Printer, Foundry, Assembly Unit, and Factory Unit all fall into this category. 
    • Engine Units - Starships and ground vehicles need propulsion and these elements provide it to them. Engines can range from small adjusters used for correcting course and performing maneuvers, to powerful Faster-Than-Light Engines that make interstellar travel possible. 
    • Detector Units - As the name suggests, these elements help players detect certain things measure parameters, like distance.
    • Decoration Units - Vanity Items that can be used to make player bases feel more like homes. 
    • Control Units - These always lay at the heart of player-made constructs. Cockpits are used for operating small ships, Control Boards can be used to gain control over larger constructs, and Remote Control Elements allow players to control their creations from a safe distance. 

On Odealo, you can Buy Dual Universe Items, for real money, which is a great alternative to hours upon hours of farming them in-game, especially if your online hours are limited because of the real-life obligations. To ensure the absolute safety of all transactions made via our website, all sellers who advertise here have undergone a thorough verification process. By choosing Odealo, you choose years of experience, buyer and seller safety, and a guarantee of the best prices. Don't hesitate, register today (registration and all tools available on our site come free of charge) and join our rapidly growing Dual Universe community. 

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