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Genshin Impact - Power Leveling for Sale


1 100
Genshin Impact Boost & Piloting | 100% Exploration (Mondstadt)

Genshin Impact Boost & Piloting | 100% Exploration (Mondstadt)


1 - NA
  • 2 hours
  • in 5 days
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 2 lvl 10.00

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⭐️Boost AR / BP / Rep Boost / Daily activities / Account care - Ask about any custom offer⭐️

⭐️Boost AR / BP / Rep Boost / Daily activities / Account care - Ask about any custom offer⭐️


1 - NA
  • 20 mins.
  • in 3 months
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 2 lvl 0.01
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[Handmade, Stream] 15 Minutes Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling

[Handmade, Stream] 15 Minutes Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling


multiple servers
  • 30 mins.
  • in 1 month
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 25 lvl 1.33
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Any activities for 1 hour ( With Account Share/Piloted )

Any activities for 1 hour ( With Account Share/Piloted )


multiple servers
  • 20 mins.
  • in 26 days
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 51 lvl 5.00
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Adventure Rank (AR) Boosting - 1-30 lvl

Adventure Rank (AR) Boosting - 1-30 lvl


multiple servers
  • 20 mins.
  • in 26 days
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 2 lvl 60.00
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Adventure Rank (AR) Boosting - 1-20 lvl

Adventure Rank (AR) Boosting - 1-20 lvl


multiple servers
  • 20 mins.
  • in 26 days
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 2 lvl 30.00
Values may differ between servers, modes or platforms.

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[Handmade, Stream] 8 Hour Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling

[Handmade, Stream] 8 Hour Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling


multiple servers
  • 8 hours
  • in 30 days
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 11 lvl 36.00
Values may differ between servers, modes or platforms.

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[Handmade, Stream] 1 Hour Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling

[Handmade, Stream] 1 Hour Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling


multiple servers
  • 1 hours
  • in 30 days
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 13 lvl 4.50
Values may differ between servers, modes or platforms.

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[Handmade, Stream] 30 Minutes Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling

[Handmade, Stream] 30 Minutes Farming: Adventure rank, Quests, Chests, Resources. Power Leveling


multiple servers
  • 30 mins.
  • in 1 month
From To Price / 1 level
1 lvl 25 lvl 2.25
Values may differ between servers, modes or platforms.

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Genshin Impact Power Leveling/Genshin Impact Boosting

Genshin Impact is a massive game. There is enough content in it to provide tens (if not hundreds) of hours of fun - the game's key systems and features ensure that.

  • The world of Teyvat is one of the biggest ever designed for an RPG game, and it will get even bigger as developers are planning to expand it further. It is not only grand in scale, but also full of secrets, treasures, and other interesting stuff hidden all over it for the players to find. To help with exploration, players have access to various tools and game features; There are special gliders that allow players to jump from elevated areas and fly to the desired spot, at least for as long as their stamina lasts... The game has gained a lot of verticality, compared to other RPG titles, thanks to the climbing system which allows players to scale almost every cliff or building (this, just like gliding, drains stamina). Other than these two rather unique activities, players can also run and swim, so crossing bodies of water and moving quickly on land is also possible. There is one downside to the massive world - mainly, getting somewhere can take a lot of time. To eliminate this problem, the devs have implemented special teleports which allow players to travel between points of interest instantly. These teleports have to be unlocked before they can be used, however, so players still have to spend a lot of time running between them. Unless they take advantage of our Genshin Impact Boosting service; in this case, they will have all teleports and Statues of the Seven unlocked in no time. 
  • In Genshin Impact, you choose four adventurers for your party and control them interchangeably throughout your adventures. Swapping between your group members is very quick and easy, and it can be done in the middle of a fight (each character has a different set of skills, attacks, strengths, and weaknesses); this is a design feature that increases the number of possible fight strategies and party compositions by quite a lot. Thanks to the above, GI is not your standard roleplaying game, but a breath of fresh air that brings new and interesting quality to the genre. However, this also means that you have to level up not one, but all four of your characters, or even more if you decide to make your roster larger. This usually takes a lot of time, and characters are not the only thing you have to level up! You also have to improve your characters' weapons and provide them with powerful artifacts. If you enjoy the game, but don't have all the time in the world to spare, there is another way - Odealo's Genshin Impact Power Leveling services will help you level up your characters to desired levels in a short time. 
  • Treasure awaits around every corner, in Teyvat. In this adventurer's heaven, you will find various valuables materials that can be used in crafting (there are four crafting branches in the game - Processing which allows you to prepare materials for other crafting branches, Alchemy which allows you to brew potent potions and other concoctions, Cooking which allows you to make various stat-increasing meals, and Forging which allows you to make and improve armaments). Moreover, there are treasure chests scattered all over the world, and farming them is a proven way of accumulating both riches and experience. While profitable, farming chests can get quite repetitive after a while. Especially if you're after the 800 Liyue Chests Achievement. If you prefer other in-game activities or want to earn the mentioned achievement but can't really be bothered to grind out 800 chests, we have an alternative solution - use the appropriate Genshing Impact Boosting service available on our site and get your achievement as well as the contents of eight hundred treasure chests. If you are looking for a smaller amount, we got you covered as well; there are various custom offers available, so you can tailor your order exactly to your needs. 

Genshin Impact Power Leveling

Like in most other RPGs, in Genshin Impact you will be leveling up your characters to prepare them for more and more challenging encounters that await you in the late game. The character experience system present in GI is quite straightforward, but there are a few intricacies here and there to make things a bit more interesting and meaningful. Character exp is gained through defeating enemies (this actually gives a very small amount of experience, so "grinding mobs" is discouraged if you want to progress your characters efficiently), and (mainly) through using special character experience materials which are awarded for completing puzzles, defeating bosses, finishing expeditions and adventures, opening ley line outcrops, clearing abyssal domains, and more. Experience gained is always given to each member of your party, even if they didn't participate in combat or event or if they died during the encounter. This opens some interesting possibilities as far as Genshin Impact Power Leveling is concerned because you can boost your low-level characters with your high-level ones, without ever selecting them for combat. Your characters continue to gain experience until they reach their current level cap, at which point they have to be ascended to progress further (ascension requires a set of specific materials, an increasing amount of mora [to reach level 90, you will need a total of 1672000], and local specialties). After reaching their 1st and 3rd ascension, your characters also gain new passive talent. As your characters gain experience, your account-wide Adventure Rank raises. AR is an account-wide progression gauge that determines Abyssal Domains available to you (Abyssal Domains are dungeon-like areas that can be completed for valuable rewards) and your World Level (this determines the strength of enemies you encounter and the difficulty of challenges you can participate in). Each time your Adventure Rank is increased, you can go to the Adventurer's Guild to claim a reward. To progress your AR through certain thresholds, you will have to complete special Adventure Quests; the thresholds are Rank 25, Rank 35, Rank, 45, and Rank 50. As you can see, a lot of content is hidden from you/not available until you reach a certain Adventure Rank. This is why Odealo offers you a special Genshin Impact Boosting service which will allow you to reach your desired AR in no time. Our wide offer includes boosts from AR 0 to 10, 0 to 20, 10 to 20, 20 to 25, 25-30, 30 to 35, 35 to 40, and even an ultimate offer of boosting your Adventure Rank from 0 straight to 40. 

Genshin Impact Boosting

After logging in for the first time, you will almost immediately notice that Genshin Impact is quite an extensive game and there are a lot of boxes that have to be checked if you want to progress your account optimally. Unlocking all of the game's features by yourself can take dozens of hours, and if it's your first playthrough and you don't know the map's layout - it can take even longer. This is where experienced players who advertise on Odealo come in. With their help, you will be able to boost your progress much faster than you would be able when playing solo. If you want to progress rapidly, there are no better options! Genshin Impact Boosting services available through Odealo include: 

  • Collecting all Geoculus and Anemoculus - these two rare substances can be offered at Statues of the Seven (Geoculus in Liyue and Anemoculus in Mondstadt) to reinstate their lost power. While you can collect them all by yourself, it can be quite bothersome as they are scattered all over the world and there are a lot of them needed; There are 131 Geoculi in Liyue, and you need 130 of them to get the Statue of the Seven to level 10. Moreover, there are 66 Anemoculi in Mondstads, and you need 65 of them in total. Opting for this Genshin Impact Boosting service instead will save you tens of hours you would have to otherwise spend on grinding. 
  • Rock-Steady Treasure Hunter achievement - This achievement is earned for opening 800 chests in Liyue. As you can imagine, grinding this many treasure chests can take A LOT of time. With this service, however, you will not only get all the chests quickly but also effortlessly (not to mention that you will get all the chests' contents in the process). If eight hundred chests are not enough for you, Odealo has also prepared an ultimate offer - getting all chests available in Liyue (1035) and Mondstadt (470). 
  • Unlocking all Statues of the Seven and Teleports - There are some things that just have to be done to make your in-game life more convenient, but doing them is not convenient at all... discovering all teleport locations and Statues of the Seven definitely fall into this category. With this Genshin Impact Boosting service, you will get all Statues and Teleports unlocked very quickly, which will not only make the whole world of Teyvat easily accessible but will also allow you to speed up your progression by quite a bit. 
  • Any Custom Offer - If you can't decide which of our offers to choose, or there is no offer that would satisfy your needs, our sellers will happily craft a unique boosting service just for you. By choosing this option, you will be able to accomplish any in-game goal with the help of seasoned and experienced players. So, if there is one particular achievement, Boss, or quest you struggle with - this is your ticket to overcoming it! Moreover, if you want to bundle up multiple already available services into one package, you can do it by choosing this service. 

Odealo provides the cheapest, the quickest, and the safest GI services on the internet. If you are looking to Buy Genshin Impact Power Leveling, you are in the right place. Our experienced boosters guarantee the highest quality of provided assistance. All sellers who advertise via our website were thoroughly verified so your safety, during and after all of your transactions, is ensured. Don't hesitate, Buy Genshin Impact Boosting service on Odealo and take your gameplay experience to a higher level. 

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