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Crushing Hand Spiritborn Build for Diablo 4

Crushing Hand Spiritborn Build for Diablo 4

Arguably the best Build currently in the game that uses a combination of certain Unique Items to deal a ridiculous amount of Damage

Crushing Hand
Spiritborn Build for Diablo 4

Last Update: October 17, 2024

Build notes:
October 17, 2024
-Build created 


Build Overview

The Crushing Hand is one of the best offensive Skills in the Spiritborn arsenal. It deals decent Damage on its own, and by smart positioning, you can Hit the same Enemy twice. The true strength of this Skill lies in various Unique and Legendary Items, which in combination with certain Passive bonuses on your Skill Tree can make your Crushing Hand deal insane amounts of Damage. The most important Unique here is the Rod of Kepeleke that makes your Core Skills count also as Basic Skills and be free to use, although slightly reduces their Damage. However, if you accumulate your main resource to full, your next Core Skill will consume it all to guarantee a Critical Strike, remove the Damage penalty, and increase its Critical Strike Damage by up to 3% per Vigor spend. Another piece of this combination is the Banished Lord's Talisman which causes your next core Skill to Overpower after spending 275 Vigor, and Critical Strikes that overpower deal more Damage. Lastly, you will use the Ring of Midnight Sun to recover all your Vigor spent upon landing the (guaranteed) Critical Strike. With this combo, you will have an endless supply of Vigor, which will cause your Crushing Hand to deal an insane amount of Critical and Overpower Damage. 

The ridiculous Damage is not the only strong perk of this Build. It also features great durability thanks to the multitude of Barriers, various Damage Reduction Buffs, Block or Dodge Chance, and the new Resolve mechanic, which is a stackable Buff that reduces the first instance of incoming Damage by 20%. Your Block Chance also grants you plenty of Damage thanks to the Redirected Force aspect, so you can effectively boost defense and offense at the same time. On top of that, you are also very fast and mobile. You will have tons of dashes, jumps, and Unstoppable effects, allowing you to very quickly travel through the field of battle. This Build truly has it all! 

You can also check our other Diablo 4 Builds


 Pros  Cons
 Great Area coverage  Requires certain Unique Items
 Insane amounts of Damage    Makes playing other Classes obsolete
 Supreme mobility and durability  





Your main Skill to use. It creates two overlapping waves of Damage. Thanks to its upgrades it will also generate massive amounts of Barrier for you, and deal significantly more Damage if you have Resolve stacks. 


  1. Enhanced Crushing Fist [1/1] - dealing Damage grants you a Barrier, that protects up to 30% of your maximum Life. 
  2. Rampart Crushing Fist [1/1] - each stack of Resolve increases your Damage with Crushing Fist.



It is your Ultimate Ability with a quite long Cooldown, but you will have a 40% chance to reset the Cooldown if you kill an Enemy, making it available to use very often. It is used primarily for Movement and to generate Feriocity stacks that grant you Attack Speed. 


  1. Harmonious Hunter [1/1] - The Hunter grants you 4 stacks of Ferocity and increases your Damage against Injured Enemies. 
  2. Exalted Hunter [1/1] - grants you a 40% chance to reset Hunter's Cooldown upon killing an Enemy. 



A defensive Skill with a short Cooldown that Slows and Fears nearby Enemies, as well as grants you Damage against Crowd Controlled Enemies and improves your Life Steal. 


  1. Enhanced Scourge [1/1] - Hitting enemies affected by Scourge increases your Damage. 
  2. Adaptable Scourge [1/1] - Lucky Hits have a chance to restore up to 35% of your Maximum Life. 



A buff that grants you an extra source of Damage, causes you to Dash to your target when you use a Core Skill and improves your Vigor Generation. 


  1. Enhanced Ravager [1/1] - killing Enemies makes your Ravager last longer.  
  2. Measured Ravager [1/1] - using a Core Skill to teleport you to your target. 


VORTEX [1/5]

A powerful utility Skill that Pulls all nearby Enemies knocks them down, and empowers your next Ability. Use it to group up packs of Enemies but also to increase your Damage against Bosses. 


  1. Enhanced Vortex [1/1] - increases the Damage of the next Skill by 20%.  
  2. Measured Vortex [1/1] - if you have a Barrier, the Vortex will knock down pulled Enemies. 

 armored hide


This Skill passively grants you Resolve Stacks every 5 seconds. Activating it makes you Unstoppable and increases your Chance to Block incoming Damage by 100%, which in this setup also increases your Critical Damage. 


  1. Enhanced Armored Hide [1/1] - activating Armoured Hide grants you a maximum amount of Resolve.
  2. Reinforced Armored Hide [1/1] - improves the Damage Reduction of Blocked Hits. 



You won't actively use this Skill, but the Passive bonuses are definitely worth it. Allocating this Skill grants you a 10% chance to Dodge, and counters with a bit of Damage when you Dodge an Attack. It also increases your Critical Strike Damage per nearby Enemy. 


  1. Enhanced Counterattack [1/1] - lowers the Cooldown of Counterattack.
  2. Reinforced Counterattack  [1/1] - improves your Critical Strike Damage by 6% per close Enemy. 


Passive Skills

Balanced Exertion

Balanced Exertion [3/3]

Increases your Damage but also raises the Vigor Costs of your Skills. You will restore your Vigor based on the amount spent. 


Apex [3/3]

Greatly improves your Damage against Vulnerable Elite enemies.

Unrestrained Power

Unrestrained Power [3/3]

Being under the effect of Unstoppable or Unhindered improves your Damage.


Perseverance [3/3]

Each stack of Resolve also grants you global Damage Reduction. 

Patient Guard

Patient Guard [1/3]

Grants you a 10% Chance to Block. Investing more points doesn't raise the Block Chance. 


Resilient [3/3]

Increases your maximum Life by 10%, as you will always be casting a Gorilla Skill.


Dominant [3/3]

Improves your Damage against knocked Down Enemies and grants you a chance to instantly Execute Non-Boss foes.


Potent [3/3]

Hitting an Enemy with a Jaguar Skill increases all Damage taken by the Enemy, You will stack it up very quickly thanks to Ravager. 


Furnace [3/3]

Improves your Critical Strike Damage with Jaguar Skills. 


Key Passive



A very important Notable, it greatly reduces the Cooldowns of all your Skills and raises their Ranks. Remember that your Crushing Hand counts as both a Basic and Core Skill. 


Spirit Hall



Turns all your Skills into Jaguar Skills, allowing you to benefit from various effects. It also deals a bit of extra Damage every 15 Skills used. 



Increases your maximum Resolve by 2 and makes you Unstoppable if you have at least 5 stacks of Resolve. 



The Build relies on certain Unique Items, although currently, the Spiritborn is strong enough to comfortably farm lower difficulties with any setup. On your Gear, you should look for defensive bonuses such as maximum Life, Damage Reduction, and cap your Resistance and Armour. To improve the Damage you shall seek All Stats, Attack Speed, Critical Strike Damage, and Resource Generation. You will also need to raise your Maximum Resources to be able to spend 275 Vigor at once. 

Socket the Emeralds to raise your Dexterity. For jewelry use Skulls to improve your Armour, but you can also use other Gems to cover lacking Resistance. 

The Runewords are very flexible, so you should use a setup that suits your gameplay preference the most. We recommend the Poc&Que to trigger Druid's Earthen Bulwark when you spend your Resources and complete it with the Xol&Xal combo to regenerate 20% of your maximum Life when you activate the Bulwark.


Rod of Kepeleke (Weapon) - an absurdly strong Weapon, it allows you to spam Core Skills for free or make them insanely powerful when you accumulate Maximum Vigor. 

rod of kepeleke

+[80.0 - 100.0]% Critical Strike Damage

+[12 - 24] Maximum Resource

+[2 - 4] Velocity

+[26.0 - 35.0]% Chance for Core Skills to Hit Twice

Your Core Skills are now additionally Basic Skills, free to cast, and deal up to 30% less damage based on their cost. 

When cast at Maximum Vigor, your Core Skills consume all Vigor to return to full damage, cast at their largest Size, and become guaranteed Critical Strikes, with [1.00 - 3.00]%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage for each point of Vigor spent this way.

Harmony of Ebewaka (Helmet) - with this Helmet your Crushing Hand will deal up to 90% more Damage. It also offers useful generic modifiers, such as All Stats or Damage Reduction. 

Harmony of Ebewaka

+ [47-65] All Stats

+ [8.0-12.5]% Movement Speed

+ [8.0-10.0]% Damage Reduction

+ [2-3] to Velocity 

According to your secondary Spirit Hall choice, your Skills are all additionally Jaguar, Eagle, Gorilla, or Centipede Skills.

Your skills deal [10 - 30]%[x] increased damage per Spirit type they have. (Spiritborn Only)

Ring of the Midnight Sun (Ring) - with this Ring, you will recover up to 50% of the spent Vigor when you land a Critical Strike. Thanks to Resource Generation bonuses on your other Items you can Recover 100% Vigor, making your Skills effectively free to use. 

Ring of the Midnight Sun

+[107 - 121] Dexterity

[8.1 - 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction

+[40.0 - 50.0]% Critical Strike Damage

+[2 - 3] to Mirage (Spiritborn Only)

When you Critically Strike, you regain [20 - 50]%[+] of the Vigor you've spent in the last 2 seconds.

Gain Counterattack's Passive Effect. (Spiritborn Only)

Banished Lord's Talisman (Amulet) - with the aforementioned Weapon, you will spend all your Resources at once and make it always Crit. With this Amulet it will also Overpower, and deal significantly more Damage. 

Banished Lord's Talisman

[8.0 - 10.0]% Maximum Life

+[60.0 - 70.0]% Overpower Damage

+[8.3 - 10.0]% Attack Speed

+[1 - 2] to Core Skills

After you spend 275 of your Primary Resource, your next Core Skill is guaranteed to Overpower. Your Critical Strikes that Overpower deal [20 - 60]%[x] increased damage.

Yen's Blessing (Boots) - the Unique Effect of those Boots is useful to have, as you will randomly trigger Extra Skills, but they are used mostly for their generous modifiers, such as All Resistances and Resource Generation. 

Yen's Blessing

+[17.5 - 23.0] Movement Speed

+[51 - 65]% All Stats

+[8.5 - 12.0]% Resource Generation

+[26.0 - 35.0]% Resistance to All Elements

Casting a Skill has a [40 - 60]% chance to cast a Non-Mobility, Non-Ultimate Skill that is currently on Cooldown. Can only occur once every 8 seconds.

Legendary Aspects

Mandatory/Heavily recommended Aspects

  1. Duelist's Aspect raises your Maximum Ferocity, greatly increasing your Attack Speed. 
  2. Aspect of Redirected Force grants you tons of extra Critical Strike Damage based on your Block Chance.  
  3. Aspect of Interdiction grants you an extra Chance to Block for each Resolve Stack you have. 
  4. Aspect of the Moonrise offers a massive amount of Attack Speed and Damage of your Basic Skills. Remember that the Crushing Hand counts as a Basic Skill in this setup. 

Optional Aspects

  1. Aspect of Unyielding Hits grants extra Weapon Damage based on your Armour.     
  2. Unrelenting Aspect sometimes triggers extra Crushing Hands around you.  
  3. Aspect of the Accursed Touch inflicts a Curse that deals moderate Damage and makes Enemies Vulnerable. 


1st Board - Starting Board

Nodes - Here you should path through Prime and Spiritual first If you have points to spare, pick up Tenacity and nearby nodes. 

Glyphs - Colossal Glyph slightly increases the Damage you deal for every 5 points of Strength within range but also improves your Damage for each Resolve you have. 

2nd Board - Viscious Shield
Legendary Node in the Left corner

Nodes - There are a few very potent Nodes here. You will want the Fearless for extra Damage, and Raptor for tons of Critical Strike Damage. empower them with the Outmatch Glyph. Other than that you should also pick up the Primal Ward for extra Barrier Generation, Sentinel to be more Lucky, and Bristle for good bonuses to your offense and defense. 

Glyphs - The Outmatch Glyph greatly empowers nearby Rare nodes and grants extra Damage against regular Enemies. 

3rd Board - Sapping Board
to the right of the Viscious Shield
Legendary Node in the Top Left corner

Nodes - the Resilience and Denial both grant you decent defensive modifiers. The Opportunist and Eagerplay improve your Resource generation, while the Blessing and Concentrated boost your Damage. The Magic Nodes near the Glyph Soket grant you extra Vigor and a bit of Damage. 

Glyphs - Similar to the previous Board, you will want to use Hubris to empower nearby Magic Nodes in the range. 

4th Board - Revealing Board
to the left of the Viscious Shield
Legendary Node in the Bottom Left corner

Nodes - you won't pick up that many nodes here, although the ones you pick are fairly strong. The Artifice, Venom Weaver, and Grounded grant you plenty of Damage. The only interesting defensive Node here is the Haven. 

Glyphs - The Fitness Glyph grants an insane amount of Critical Strike Damage based on the amount of Dexterity nodes in its range. 

5th Board - In-Fighter Board
above the Revealing Board
Legendary Node in the Top Right corner

Nodes - the Rampage and Master grant you a simple Damage boost. The Training and Primal Rage offer a bit of defensive bonuses. You can also pick up the Incombustible to raise your Fire Resistance. 

Glyphs - Spirit Glyph not only grants you a lot of Critical Strike Damage, but it also causes Critical Strike against Enemies to increase the Damage they take from you. 



This is the official version of our Crushing Hand Spiritborn for Diablo 4. The Expansion Vessel of Hared has just launched so we expect all of the Guides will require constant updates when we get to test all the builds properly. Make sure to check out the Guides regularly to keep track of all the changes!

If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. 

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