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Deathblow Striker Lost Ark Build

Deathblow Striker Lost Ark Build

A DPS/Raid setup for the Striker class that requires a skilled player to unlock this build's full potential

Deathblow Striker
PvE Raiding Build
for Lost Ark

Last Update: 10th June 2022



Striker is a nimble melee fighter that relies on proper positioning to do competitive damage as most of His attacks have the "Back Attack" requirement. As a Martial Artist, he excels at dealing damage in close combat and can support his teammates with very potent group synergy skills. He has access to the most powerful party-wide buff in the game, Lightning WhisperLightning Whisper, that not only increases every party member's Attack Speed but also lowers the enemy's Crit Resistance. Striker can be set up to excel at dealing Burst Damage or sustained DPS. For the purposes of this build, we focus on the former. 

Deathblow Striker empowers His Esoteric Skills by investing in DeathblowDeathblow Engraving and stacking Specialization. Because of this, He has a tremendous burst damage potential. To deliver this burst damage, however, He relies on high precision and proper positioning. Because of this, He's hard to master and requires a skilled player at the helm to unlock His true potential. 

You can also check our other  Lost Ark Builds


 Pros  Cons
 Great Mobility   Mobility is His only real defense 
 Very High Burst Damage   Long Downtime on Burst Skills 
 Solid Counter   Back Attack reliant 
 Good Stagger Damage   High Skill Cap 

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Stat Priority

Deathblow Striker benefits mostly from Specialization, but Crit Rate is also of use to Him. As for Swiftness, it does not provide anywhere near enough benefits to warrant its use - You already have excellent mobility, and lowering Cooldowns is not enough of a boost. Stacking Specialization will help you increase Esoteric Skill Damage and improve your Elemental Meter generation, allowing you to gather 4 Orbs much faster. It will also boost the Damage done by your Awakening Skill. As for Crit Rate, it's rather self-explanatory: Higher Crit Rate = more reliable burst damage. You should have Specialization on all of your Accessories and use a Specialization/Crit Necklace. 




Esoteric Skill

Striker gathers Lightning energy that penetrates enemies. Then he Kicks and knocks enemies into the air, dealing high amounts of Damage.

This powerful Esoteric Skill deals devastating single-target damage and can be used to exploit enemies' weak points. It is one of your main Burst Damage tools. Using it will deplete your Elemental Orbs, so you'll have to fill them up again before performing another attack with an Esoteric Skill (using Esoteric Skills while lacking Orbs results in highly reduced Damage - don't do it). 

  • Weak Point: Level 2 
  • Stagger: Mid-High 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Single Hit Single Hit - Increases Damage the skill deals when you attack a single enemy with it (so, a boss for example). At Level 5 this provides a 40% Damage Inflicted increase. 
  2. [Level II] Weak Point DetectionWeak Point Detection - Increases Damage dealt to Push-Immune enemies by up to +70% (at Rank 5). We take this to maximize the skill's damage against bosses. 
  3. [Level III] Charged KickCharged Kick - Charges for 1 second to attack the foe. When Overcharging, draw upon the great power of the White Tiger to inflict +120% Damage (at Rank 5). Move Distance +3 meters. If charging fails, Damage -75% and Move Distance -1 meter. Will still paralyze the enemy. 
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster. 

Esoteric Skill

Striker gathers Fire Energy and advances 4 meters forward, dealing large amounts of Damage and performing an upward attack that deals three extra hits. 

This is one of your main Burst Damage tools. Using it will deplete your Elemental Orbs, so you'll have to fill them up again before performing another attack with an Esoteric Skill. Its main downside is the relatively long Cooldown (Quick PreparationQuick Prep Tripod solves this). 

  • Stagger: High 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the skill's Cooldown by up to -8 seconds (at Rank 5). This ensures that Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges is always ready when you need it. 
  2. [Level II] Single Hit  Single Hit  - Increases Damage the skill deals when you attack a single enemy with it (so, a boss for example). At Level 5 this provides a 70% Damage Inflicted increase, which is insane. 
  3. [Level III] Ascension Ascension - A giant tiger head shoots up and attacks on the last hit, inflicting an additional 131% (at Rank 5) of Base Damage in a 100% wider area. This does two things: it increases the skill's AoE which helps against trash, and it increases the skill's total damage. 
  4. [RUNE] OverwhelmOverwhelm - A rune that makes the Skill deal up to +30% Stagger Damage. This will help you help your team with stagger checks. 

Striker charges forward while kicking, inflicting two damaging hits. Then, the skill can be pressed 3 times to deliver 4 additional kicks at a very fast speed to deal additional damage and perform a spinning kick followed by a finishing blow that knocks enemies back. 

This is an amazing Elemental Meter generator, especially when you pair it with a WealthWealth Rune. Moreover, it doubles as a mobility skill when needed. 

  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] White Flame Kick White Flame Kick - Changes the skill's Element to Fire. The skill now also burns enemies when the rapid kick attack lands 4 times, dealing additional fire damage every second for 5 seconds. 
  2. [Level II] Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility - First charge attack's move distance is increased by 3 meters and the skill's Cooldown is reduced by up to -7 seconds (at Rank 5). 
  3. [Level III] Full Moon Kick Full Moon Kick - Changes the Skill to Normal mode. You now Charge forward and spin to land a finishing blow that inflicts +341% Damage (at Rank 5). This makes the skill much more dynamic and concentrates its damage in one big hit. 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth - With this Rune, your Elemental Meter gained from using the ability will be increased by another 40% (with Legendary Rune). This is a nice buff to your Esoteric Skills. 

Striker sweeps enemies off their feet, dealing moderate amounts of damage. Use the skill one additional time to make Striker change His direction and deliver a spinning kick in the air, inflicting three additional hits. 

This is a hard-hitting offensive skill that's only exceeded by your Esoteric Skills in terms of offensive power. Because of this, you should try to use it when your LIGHTNING WHISPERLightning Whisper is up. 

  • Stagger: Low 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Weak Point Detection Weak Point Detection - Increases Damage dealt to Push-Immune enemies by up to +60% (at Rank 5). We take this to maximize the skill's damage against bosses. 
  2. [Level II] Light of JusticeLight of Justice - Changes the skill's Element to Holy and increases its AoE Radius by 20% and Attack Speed by up to 35% (at Rank 5). 
  3. [Level III] Pure ExcelencePure Excellence - Lower your stance and gather energy at the bottom of your feet before jumping forward and performing 1 extreme kick, inflicting +205% Damage (at Rank 5) and knocking down enemies. While gathering energy, damage received is increased by 30%. 
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster, making it much more dynamic. 

Striker kicks 2 times forward, dealing moderate amounts of damage. If you use the skill again, He will rotate inflicting two further hits, and then launch a powerful forward kick to strike enemies again. 

This is a solid offensive skill that has increased Crit Rate. It generates a decent amount of Identity Gauge as well. Thanks to the Efficient StrikeEfficient Strike Engraving, it also has a very short Cooldown and doesn't consume too much mana. 

  • Stagger: Low 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 11

  1. [Level I] Vital Point HitVital Point Hit - Increases the skill's Crit Rate by up to +40% (at Rank 5). With this, VIOLENT TIGERViolent Tiger will land Crits very consistently. 
  2. [Level II] Down StrikeDown Strike - Attacks the enemy with an incredibly swift kick. Press the skill hotkey again to gather energy and attack the enemy with a downward smash. Increases Damage to the enemy by up to 45% (at Rank 5).
  3. [Level III] Efficient StrikeEfficient Strike - Reduces the Skill's MP cost by 50%. On Skill use, reduce the skill's Cooldown by up to -8 seconds (at Rank 5). 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth - With this Rune, your Elemental Meter gained from using the ability will be increased by another 20% (with Rare Rune). This is a nice buff to your Orb Generation potential. 

Striker performs a roundhouse kick, dealing moderate amounts of damage. If the skill is used again, Striker kicks upward, sending targets flying and inflicting another damaging hit. Direction can be changed during the additional attacks. 

This is your Counter Skill, but not only that; It also offers a stacking Attack and Movement speed buff that will help you get around quicker and make your skill animations much shorter potentially. 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack, Frontal Attack 
  • Counter: Yes 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility - Increases the move distance of the first kick move by 1 meter. 
  2. [Level II] Blessing of the Wind Blessing of the Wind  - On the skill's second hit, your Move Speed and Attack Speed are increased by +19,2% (at Rank 5) for 3 seconds. 
  3. [Level III] Abundant Resources Abundant Resources - Increases the skill's MP cost by 25% and the Esoteric Meter generated by it by up to +300% (at Rank 5). 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth - With this Rune, your Elemental Meter gained from using the ability will be increased by another 30% (with Epic Rune). This is a nice buff to your Orb Generation potential. 

Striker rolls forward and summons lightning, inflicting moderate amounts of damage. Enemies hit with this skill have their Crit Resistance reduced by up to -8% for 6 seconds. 

This is your team synergy skill and a potent self-buffing tool. Moreover, it generates a solid chunk of your Elemental Meter. You should use it before unleashing your Esoteric Skills to maximize their Damage output. 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Lightning's Blessing Lightning's Blessing - With this, LIGHTNING WHISPERLightning Whisper will also increase the whole party's Attack Speed by 8% for its duration. 
  2. [Level II] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the skill's Cooldown by up to -8 seconds (at Rank 5). This increases the uptime of LIGHTNING WHISPERLightning Whisper's buffs and debuffs. 
  3. [Level III] Fatal Lightning Fatal Lightning - With this, LIGHTNING WHISPERLightning Whisper reduces enemies' Crit Resistance by a further 10% (for a total of -18% Crit Resistance). 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth - With this Rune, your Elemental Meter gained from using the ability will be increased by another 30% (with Epic Rune). This is a nice buff to your Orb Generation potential. 

Striker delivers a roundhouse kick, dealing moderate amounts of damage to the enemy 2 times, then he attacks an airborne enemy to launch them into the air. If the skill is used again within 2 seconds, Striker performs a knee attack that inflicts another damaging hit. If the enemy is airborne of lying on the ground, this will also launch them into the air. If the skill is used again, within 2 seconds, Striker becomes immune to Paralysis and rolls forward to perform a downward strike that inflicts moderate amounts of damage. Airborne enemies are slammed into the ground when the last hit lands. Each time you use additional Skills, the Cooldown of this skill is increased by +2 seconds. 

This Skill can be used up to 3 times in a row which makes it perfect for triggering Rune effects. Combining it with RageRage Rune generally produces the best results. 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 7

  1. [Level I] Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility - Move Distance with the first kick is now increased by up to +4 meters (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] Enhanced Strike Enhanced Strike - Increases the skill's outgoing Damage by up to +60% (at Rank 5). 
  3. [RUNE] RageRage - Gives you a chance to gain an Attack Speed/Move Speed buff for 6 seconds when STORM DRAGON AWAKENINGStorm Dragon Awakening is used. This Rune will help you increase the speed of your rotation. 

Striker advances 4 meters forward and strikes 4 times with explosive attacks that inflict very high amounts of damage each. If the first strike fails, subsequent ones will be canceled. 

This is a powerful ultimate skill with a very long Cooldown. It deals great Stagger Damage, but it locks you in place for some time. Use it with caution and communicate its usage with the team to avoid misunderstandings. 

  • Stagger: High 
  • Super Armor: Push Immunity, Debuff Immunity 


Rotations/Skill Usage

  • SKY SHATTERING BLOWSky Shattering Blow is your Counter Attack. It also boosts your Attack and Move Speed for 3 seconds.  
  • Violent TigerViolent Tiger and Moon Flash KickMoon Flash Kick are excellent Identity Gauge generators. 
  • Lightning WhisperLightning Whisper is your synergy skill. You should always use it before unleashing your Lightning Tiger StrikeLightning Tiger Strike Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges as these two skills benefit from it the most. 
  • Mind your positioning! Most of your Attacks have the "Back Attack" requirement. Always position yourself behind the enemy before you start the rotation. 
  • If you experience Skill Downtime, you should auto-attack to keep the damage up. The most effective way of doing so is to hold down the movement key while tapping your mouse1 (basic attack) repeatedly - this will make you perform a basic attack cancel which is faster than just doing the regular basic attack combo. 

Deathblow Striker's rotation revolves around generating 4 Elemental Orbs with his builder Skills to then spend them on Esoteric Skills for tremendous Burst Damage. Depending on your current Specialization levels, you'll use one of the three build's Builder-Spender rotation variants: 

  • Low Specialization Rotation (Below 800 Specialization): 
    1. Generate 3.5-4 Elemental Orbs with Violent TigerViolent Tiger, Swift Wind KickSwift Wind Kick (if picked), Storm Dragon AwakeningStorm Dragon Awakening, Moon Flash KickMoon Flash Kick, and Sky Shattering BlowSky Shattering Blow 
    2. Use Lightning WhisperLightning Whisper to activate your synergies 
    3. Use Sweeping KickSweeping Kick 
    4. Use one of your Esoteric Skills: Lightning Tiger StrikeLightning Tiger Strike / Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges 
    5. Rinse and Repeat 
  • Mid Tier Rotation (800-1200 Specialization + Wealth Wealth Runes): 
    1. Generate 3 Elemental Orbs with Violent TigerViolent Tiger, Storm Dragon AwakeningStorm Dragon Awakening, Moon Flash KickMoon Flash Kick, and Sky Shattering BlowSky Shattering Blow 
    2. Use Lightning WhisperLightning Whisper to activate your synergies 
    3. Use Lightning Tiger StrikeLightning Tiger Strike 
    4. Use Sweeping KickSweeping Kick 
    5. Use Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges after generating 2 to 3 Orbs 
    6. Rinse and Repeat 
  • End-Game Rotation (Over 1200 Specialization + Wealth Wealth Runes): 
    1. Generate 2 to 3 Elemental Orbs with Violent TigerViolent Tiger, Storm Dragon AwakeningStorm Dragon Awakening, and Sky Shattering BlowSky Shattering Blow 
    2. Use Lightning WhisperLightning Whisper to activate your synergies 
    3. Use Lightning Tiger StrikeLightning Tiger Strike 
    4. Use Sweeping KickSweeping Kick 
    5. Use Moon Flash KickMoon Flash Kick 
    6. Use Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges 
    7. Rinse and Repeat 


Recommended Engravings

  1. DeathblowDeathblow (Class Engraving) - Increases the maximum number of Elemental Orbs by 1. Esoteric Skills now Consume all accumulated Elemental Orbs and deal (Level 1: +15%, Level 2: +26%, Level 3: +35%) Increased Damage per Elemental Orb Consumed. 

DeathblowDeathblow Engraving allows you to deal unbelievably high amounts of Damage with your Esoteric Skills if you have 4 Orbs stacked. It's the Core Engraving of the build and you should have it at Level 3 as soon as possible. 

  1. GrudgeGrudge - Increases your Damage Dealt to Bosses (Level 1: +4%, Level 2: +10%, Level 3: +20%), but makes you take 20% more damage from them. 

Grudge is one of the most powerful offensive Engravings, but it comes with a severe drawback that may get you killed. Deathblow Striker relies on His mobility to mitigate damage, so the downside of GrudgeGrudge is negligible if you're able to employ His mobility tools properly. In other words: pick it up only if you feel like you can avoid most (or all) avoidable damage during boss encounters. If you're still learning mechanics, you'll be better off skipping it. Also, remember that it's only worth using at Level 3, so never use it at level 2 and especially 1 (unless you want to take 5% more damage for every 1% increase in your own DPS). 

  1. Ambush MasterAmbush Master - Increases the damage you deal with Back Attacks (Level 1 - +5%, Level 2 - +12%, Level 3 - + 25%). You should get this at Level 3 (which could amount to 25% increased DPS if you're perfect at performing back attacks). 

Most of the attacks you will be using have the Back Attack modifier. Because of this, Ambush MasterAmbush Master Engraving is an excellent choice. Also, it will encourage you to pay more attention to your positioning as missing Back Attacks while you have it active will make you lose even more potential DPS than otherwise. 

  1. Keen Blunt Weapon Keen Blunt Weapon - Increases your Crit Damage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +25%, Level 3: +50%) but also gives your attacks a chance to deal 20% Reduced Damage. 

The more Crit Rate you have, the more powerful this Engraving becomes. As a Deathblow Striker, you want to stack some Crit Rate, so Keen Blunt Weapon Keen Blunt Weapon is definitely a solid option. 

  1. Spirit AbsorptionSpirit Absorption - Increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed by (Level 1 - 3%, Level 2 - 8%, Level 3 - 15%). 

Deathblow Striker is quite mobile, but His mobility comes from Skills. Because of this, picking an Engraving that boosts your movement speed is an excellent choice. With Spirit AbsorptionSpirit Absorption at Level 3, you'll move significantly quicker and your skill animations will become much faster. In other words, it will make your character much less annoying to play during dynamic encounters. 

  1. Cursed DollCursed Doll - Increases Attack Power at the cost of reduced 25% Healing Received (does not affect natural Health recovery (Level 1 - +3% Attack Power, Level 2 - 8% Attack Power, Level 3 - +16% Attack Power).

This Engraving can significantly boost your offensive power, but the tradeoff is painful. Pick it up only if you know encounter mechanics very well, as its downside will hurt too much otherwise; In other words: if you lack encounter experience, skip it. Also, using this at Levels 1 and 2 is not worth the risks involved (so, use it at Level 3 or don't use it at all). 

  1. AdrenalineAdrenaline - When using skills other than mobile and basic attacks, attack power increases by (Lv. 1: 0.3%, Lv. 2: 0.6%, Lv. 3: 1%) for 6 seconds (stacks up to 6), and when this effect reaches its maximum stack, critical hit rate increases by an additional (Lv. 1: 5%, Lv. 2: 10%, Lv. 3: 15%). This effect is applied after the skill ends if the cooldown time reduction due to skill cancellation is applied. 

While definitely not optimal for a Deathblow Striker, Adrenaline is still a decent option. It will provide you with extra Crit Rate and Attack Power, both of which are extremely valuable to you. All you need at the start is Level 1 of this but you'll eventually want it at level 2. You can pick it instead of the Cursed DollCursed Doll, the choice is up to you. 


Gear Sets, Gems, Cards, etc.

  • Gear Sets - As a DPS Class, Striker wants His set to boost her offensive capabilities as much as possible. Here are the optimal Sets for each Tier: 
    • Tier 1: Seraphic Oath Set (Epic); Boisterous Elemental Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 2: Marvelous Earth Set (Epic); Unyielding Will Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 3: Twisted Dimensional Set (Epic); Preordained Diligence Set (Legendary)
    • Late Game mixed Set options: 
      • Over 1415 GS: Preordained Diligence Set Gloves and Shoulders (Legendary) + Demon Beast Strength Set Chest, Head, Weapon, and Legs (Legendary) 
      • Over 1430 GS: Preordained Diligence Set Gloves and Shoulders (Legendary) + Demon Beast Strength Set Chest and Legs (Legendary) + Earth's Entropy Set Head and Weapon (Relic) 
      • Over 1445 GS: Preordained Diligence Set Chest and Legs + Earth's Entropy Set Head and Weapon (Relic) + Poem of Salvation Set Gloves and Shoulders (Relic)
  • Gems -  With these, you can apply a Cooldown Reduction or Bonus Damage to your Skills. There is a limit of 11 Gems; you should distribute them in the following way: 
    • You should use Cooldown Reduction Gems on the following Skills: Sweeping KickSweeping Kick, Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges, Lightning Tiger StrikeLightning Tiger Strike, Lightning WhisperLightning Whisper, Sky Shattering BlowSky Shattering Blow, Storm Dragon AwakeningStorm Dragon Awakening, Moon Flash KickMoon Flash Kick, Violent TigerViolent Tiger 
    • You should use Attack Gems on the following Skills: Sweeping KickSweeping Kick, Tiger EmergesTiger Emerges, Lightning Tiger StrikeLightning Tiger Strike 
  • Cards - Depending on your budget, you should go for one of the following Card Sets: 
    • Light of Salvation Set - A Full set offers +30% Dark Damage Reduction, changes your Damage type to Holy, and increases your Holy Damage dealt by 15%. This is the optimal Set for the build. 
    • Three Umar Families Set - A Full set offers +12% Back Attack Damage to Enemies, -7.5% Damage from Guardians during Guardian Raids, 5% Elemental Damage Reduction, +2% Elemental Damage Done, a chance to Increase All Elemental Damage by 24% for 8 seconds. This is a relatively cheap option, only worth using if you have the Back Attack Damage bonus from it. 
    • Lostwind Cliff Set - A Full set offers +25% Dark Damage Reduction and +7% Critical Rate. This one is the cheapest of the recommended three. 



This is the initial version of our Deathblow Striker Raiding Build for Lost Ark, where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! 

If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. 

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Tripod Studio and Smilegate RPG