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Energy Overflow Soulfist Lost Ark Build

Energy Overflow Soulfist Lost Ark Build

A DPS built that focuses in increases swiftness making it a very mobile and versatile setup

 Energy Overflow Soulfist
PvE Raiding Build
for Lost Ark

Last Update: 1st June 2022



Soulfist is a versatile fighter that can dish out multiple fast-paced melee attacks, disengage to continue the fight with a barrage of ranged abilities, and then finish the enemy off with apocalyptic levels of burst damage. Mastering this versatility, however, is a rather hard job as She is one of the most complicated classes to play in the game. Soulfist has two different Raiding builds, based on Her Class Engravings: Robust SpiritRobust Spirit and Energy OverflowEnergy Overflow. The following build focuses on the latter. 

Energy Overflow Soulfist is a very dynamic build that focuses on high Swiftness. It is capable of spamming its Skills non-stop and burying the opposition under a flurry of blows as a result. Energy OverflowEnergy Overflow Engraving provides a damage bonus when Soulfist's identity gauge is below its 30% capacity, so the build revolves around keeping the Identity Gauge at below 30% while maximizing the DPS - this comes down to spamming the skills as much as possible. As a result, it deals high consistent Damage but lacks burst (especially when compared to the Robust SpiritRobust Spirit-based variant). 

You can also check our other  Lost Ark Builds


 Pros  Cons
 High Consistent Damage   Lacks Burst Damage 
 Great Mobility   Middle of the pack when it comes to Late Game DPS 
 Spamable Skills with 0 Resource Management   Less flashy than the Robust SpiritRobust Spirit Soulfist 
 Fast Attack Animations   Awakening Skill is prone to missing 

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Stat Priority

Swiftness all the way - You should have it on all of your accessories to maximize your combat capabilities. With high Swiftness, you'll be able to spam your skills like there's no tomorrow which, in turn, will allow you to keep your Identity Gauge at below 30% capacity. You should also have Crit as a secondary stat on your Necklace to boost your DPS a bit more. Don't bother with Specialization as it has close to no value for the build. 




Soulfist quickly strikes the ground where she stands with her palm 2 times, dealing moderate amounts of damage. Then she strikes again with the other palm to inflict another (stronger) hit. The first strike instantly slams airborne enemies onto the ground, dealing 50% increased Damage to them. 

This is a very dynamic skill (it deals its damage very quickly) that offers high Stagger and Weak Point damage. It's your main tool for dealing with Stagger checks. 

  • Weak Point: Level 2 
  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Predator Predator - This is an Execute-type Tripod that increases the skill's Damage dealt to enemies below 50% HP by 45% (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] Weak Point Detection Weak Point Detection  - Increases Damage dealt to Push-Immune enemies by up to +70% (at Level 5). This Engraving will make ShadowbreakerShadowbreaker much more powerful against Bosses. 
  3. [Level III] 6th Sense 6th Sense - Increases the skill's Attack Speed by 20%. Before you strike the ground, energy concentrates onto one point, pulling foes toward it. The last attack's Damage is increased by 160% (at Rank 5). 
  4. [RUNE] OverwhelmOverwhelm - A rune that makes the Skill deal +30% Stagger Damage (with Legendary Rune). This will help you help your team with stagger checks. 

Soulfist moves 2 meters forward and delivers a powerful punch that deals moderate amounts of damage, followed by a right kick and another straight punch, for two additional powerful damaging hits. She can change the attack direction in between the blows. 

This multi-hit skill is one of the strongest offensive moves in your arsenal, make sure all of its hits land on their targets. It also deals some Stagger Damage, which can be helpful. 

  • Stagger: Low 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Hard Hitter Hard Hitter - Increases the skill's Energy cost by 20% and its outgoing damage by 45% (at Rank 5). With this, Merciless PummelMerciless Pummel will help you keep your Energy level below 30%. 
  2. [Level II] Coldhearted Coldhearted - After the last attack, attack 2 more times with palms, inflicting 80% (at Rank 5) basic skill Damage. This is a considerable Damage increase for the skill. 
  3. [Level III] Double Up  Double Up - Creates afterimages of you that attack your foes. Damage  +144% (at Rank 5). Cooldown +5 seconds. The damage increase from this is definitely worth those additional 5 seconds. 
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster, making it less awkward to use. 

Soulfist drops a massive palm at the target location, dealing high amounts of damage. This Skill deals  30% increased Damage to enemies who are in the air or down on the ground. 

This is one of your most powerful regular offensive skills. It will help you keep your Energy levels low thanks to the Hard HitterHard Hitter Tripod. You should have your JudgementJudgement Rune as it works well with HEAVENLY SQUASHHeavenly Squash's multi-hit. 

  • Stagger: Low 

Level 11

  1. [Level I] Hard HitterHard Hitter - Increases the skill's Energy Cost by 20% and its outgoing Damage by up to +60% (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] Harsh TrainingHarsh Training - The Skill now charges much quicker and Paralyzes enemies instead of Tripping them. 
  3. [Level III] Exquisite Attack Exquisite Attack - This powerful tripod makes HEAVENLY SQUASHHeavenly Squash drop 4 small palms, increasing the total outgoing Damage by +168.4% (at Rank 5). 
  4. [RUNE] JudgementJudgement - Has a 30% chance to remove "Conviction" from you and increase your Combat Resource recovery and reduce Skill Cooldown for 6 seconds. 

Soulfist shoots energy forward, then, she pushes her palms again to shoot a larger and more powerful plume of energy that inflicts high amounts of Damage. 

This is a solid, relatively long-range, offensive ability that works extremely well when used against multiple enemies, as then it has a very low effective Cooldown. It also deals increased Damage to bosses. 

  • Weak Point: Level 2 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 11

  1. [Level I] Charge Enhancement Charge Enhancement - For each enemy hit, reduce the Cooldown of this Skill by 1.6 seconds. This effect stacks up to -12.8 Seconds (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] EradicationEradication - Changes the Skill to Charge mode. Charge up onto your fingers and instantly shoot a 50% narrower stream of energy. Stream's Damage is increased by 83% (at Rank 5) when fully charged. 
  3. [Level III] DemolitionDemolition - Increases Attack Distance by 4 meters and Damage dealt to Named (or higher) enemies by up to +145% (at Rank 5). This makes the skill strike much harder against bosses. 
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster, which is essential if you're using the EradicationEradication Tripod. 

Soulfist quickly shoots a powerful energy ball from her palm. This ball slowly disperses, damaging all enemies in range and knocking them down. 

This is a solid offensive skill that benefits from Cooldown-reducing and Damage-increasing Tripods. It's also a good target for the ConvictionConviction Rune. 

Level 11

  1. [Level I] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the skill's Cooldown by up to -6 seconds (at Rank 5). This amounts to -1/3 of the skills base Cooldown, which is a lot. 
  2. [Level II] Powerful Wave Powerful Wave  - Strengthens the wave, increasing the skill's damage by up to +60% (at Rank 5). 
  3. [Level III] Scattering Wave Scattering Wave - Shoots forward 3 waves in a cone shape, dealing up to +155% (at Rank 5) total Damage. 
  4. [RUNE] ConvictionConviction - This rune gives you a 30% chance to imbue yourself with a "Convitvion" effect for 3 seconds. When in a "conviction" state, you can activate "Judgement" for an additional effect. 

Soulfist rotates her arms, then she stomps the ground in a controlled manner, sending forth a shockwave. All party members within 24 meters radius receive 12% less damage for 6 seconds. 

This is your party-wide utility skill that makes all your teammates more durable for its duration. It also gives you a potent Attack Power buff tor 6 seconds after you use it. 

  • Super Armor: Push Immunity (from the TenacityTenacity Tripod)

Note: The self-buff you receive from this skill does not stack with your other self-buffs. 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reducers the skill's Cooldown by up to -6 seconds (at Rank 5). This will cut up to 1/5 of ENERGY RELEASEEnergy Release's base Cooldown. 
  2. [Level II] TenacityTenacity - Grants you Push Immunity on Skill use. 
  3. [Level III] Ready Attack Ready Attack - Increases your Attack Power by up to +55.6% for 6 seconds when you use ENERGY RELEASEEnergy Release
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster, making it less awkward to use. 

Soulfist darts forward and trips enemies to deal moderate amounts of damage. Then, She advances 3 meters forward to crash into enemies, knocking them back and dealing another damaging hit. 

This is your Team Synergy Skill (thanks to the Fighting Spirit EnhancementFighting Spirit Enhancement) that will also serve as your Counter Skill and a mobility tool when needed. It has a very low cooldown which, combined with your high Swiftness should lead to 100% uptime on the buff. 

  • Weak Point: Level 2 
  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 
  • Counter: Yes 

Level 7

  1. [Level I] Volant Volant - Increases the skill's Move Distance by an additional 1 meter. 
  2. [Level II] Fighting Spirit EnhancementFighting Spirit Enhancement - On hit, increases Attack Power of all party members within 24 meters radius by 6% for 10 seconds. 
  3. [RUNE] BleedBleed - This Rune makes BOLTING CRASHBolting Crash inflict all enemies hit with a Bleeding effect for 6 seconds. Thanks to BOLTING CRASHBolting Crash's low cooldown, Bleed provides a nice boost to DPS. 

Soulfist rapidly dashes towards the target location, dealing moderate amounts of damage to enemies at the destination. Airborne enemies are launched back into the air when hit. This Skill can be used again for additional 2 dashes. Each additional dash performed increases the skill's Cooldown and Energy consumption. 

This serves as a self-buffing ability and a handy multi-use mobility skill. 

  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Note: The self-buff you receive from this skill does not stack with your other self-buffs. 

Level 7

  1. [Level I] Instant Preparation Instant Preparation - Decreases the Cooldown of FLASH STEPFlash Step, depending on the number of times it is used: 1s for 1 time, 2s for 2 consecutive times, and 4s for 3 consecutive times. You want to use FLASH STEPFlash Step 3 times in a row, so you should get max benefit from this constantly. 
  2. [Level II] Victory Shout Victory Shout  - Increases your Attack Power by up to +14.8% (at Rank 5) for 3 seconds after the skill is used. This effect stacks up to 3 times. 
  3. [RUNE] Quick RechargeQuick Recharge - Gives a chance to reduce all Cooldowns on skill use. 

Soulfist gathers energy and shoots an energy ray forward. If you hold the skill hotkey, She will hit enemies up to 5 times, dealing very high amounts of damage over up to 1.5 seconds. Afterward, a comrade's soul will appear to lend Soulfist energy and hurl an even stronger blast that attacks enemies in the front 6 times over 1.2 seconds, dealing even more damage and knocking them back. If you stop holding before the Holding Meter is maxed out, the comrade’s soul will appear and attack foes instantly. 

This should be your Awakening Skill of choice as it's not as Specialization-reliant as World DecimationWorld Decimation

  • Stagger: High 
  • Super Armor: Push Immunity, Debuff Immunity 


Rotations/Skill Usage

Energy Overflow Soulfist's rotation revolves around efficiently utilizing her Attack Power buffs. 

  • Flash StepFlash Step's self-buff can be stacked up to 3 times, you should take advantage of this. 
  • Flash StepFlash Step is also your mobility Skill. 
  • Energy ReleaseEnergy Release also offers a very powerful Attack Power buff. Use it when Flash StepFlash Step's Buff runs out as your Buffs don't stack
  • Bolting CrashBolting Crash is your Counter Skill. 
  • Staying on HypeHype Level 2 is the most beneficial. You should go into HypeHype Level 3 only before using your Awakening Skill. Other than that, don't bother about HypeHype management and try to stay below 30% Energy. 

Her basic Rotation looks as follows: 

  1. Use Flash StepFlash Step 3 times to stack its Attack Power Buff. This will also burn all your excess Energy and allow you to keep it below 30% very easily. 
  2. Use Bolting CrashBolting Crash 
  3. Use Energy ReleaseEnergy Release to self-buff yourself with additional Attack Power 
  4. Use Merciless Pummel Merciless Pummel 
  5. Use Force OrbForce Orb 
  6. Use Heavenly Squash Heavenly Squash 
  7. Use Tempest Blast Tempest Blast 


Recommended Engravings

  1. Energy OverflowEnergy Overflow (Class Engraving) - Energy does not go below 1, but the additional Energy Recovery effect is not applied during Hype. If Energy is below 30%, Your Damage to Enemies is increased by (Level 1: 5%, Level 2: 10%, Level 3: 15%). 

This is the core Engraving of the build. It will increase your DPS by up to 15% if you keep your Energy below 30%, which is very easy to do. You should have this at Level 1 initially and focus on developing your other Engravings as they provide larger bonuses. When they are at their desired levels, bump this up to Level 3. 

  1. AdrenalineAdrenaline - When using skills other than mobile and basic attacks, attack power increases by (Lv. 1: 0.3%, Lv. 2: 0.6%, Lv. 3: 1%) for 6 seconds (stacks up to 6), and when this effect reaches its maximum stack, critical hit rate increases by an additional (Lv. 1: 5%, Lv. 2: 10%, Lv. 3: 15%). This effect is applied after the skill ends if the cooldown time reduction due to skill cancellation is applied. 

This is the first Engraving that comes to mind when building an Energy Overflow Soulfist as she boasts very high Swiftness and can spam her skills like no other. You can keep Adrenaline stacked up extremely easily with this build, which means that you'll have increased Crit Rate and Attack Power at all times. 

  1. GrudgeGrudge - Increases your Damage Dealt to Bosses (Level 1: +4%, Level 2: +10%, Level 3: +20%), but makes you take 20% more damage from them. 

Grudge is one of the most powerful offensive Engravings, but it comes with a severe drawback that may get you killed. If you can live with the increased incoming pain, it will serve you as an unconditional damage increase. If you can exploit Soulfist's incredible mobility, GrudgeGrudge's downside should not pose much of a threat to you. If you're still learning mechanics, you'll be better off skipping it, however. Also, remember that it's only worth using at Level 3, so never use it at level 2 and especially 1 (unless you want to take 5% more damage for every 1% increase in your own DPS). 

  1. Cursed DollCursed Doll - Increases Attack Power at the cost of reduced 25% Healing Received (does not affect natural Health recovery (Level 1 - +3% Attack Power, Level 2 - 8% Attack Power, Level 3 - +16% Attack Power).

This Engraving can boost your offensive power rather significantly, but the tradeoff is painful. Only pick it if you know encounter mechanics very well; If you lack experience, skip it. The deal here is the same as with GrudgeGrudge - if you can use Soulfist's mobility to avoid being hit, Cursed DollCursed Doll will serve you well. Also, using this at Levels 1 and 2 is not worth the risks involved (so, use it at Level 3 or don't use it at all). 

  1. Keen Blunt Weapon Keen Blunt Weapon - Increases your Crit Damage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +25%, Level 3: +50%) but also gives your attacks a chance to deal 20% Reduced Damage. 

The more Crit Rate you have, the more powerful this Engraving becomes. This becomes quite strong in the End Game, where you naturally have more Crit. 

  1. Raid CaptainRaid Captain - Increases Damage Dealt by a percentage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +22%, Level 3: +45%) of basic Move Speed Bonus. 

This Engraving is a natural fit for the Energy Overflow Soulfists as she is Swiftness-centered and Swiftness increases Move Speed. 

  1. Precise DaggerPrecise Dagger  - Increases critical hit rate by (Level 1: 4%, Level 2: 10%, Level 3: 20%), but reduces critical damage by 12%. 

This amazing Engraving makes your Critical Strikes much more consistent. Moreover, it kind of makes up for the lack of Crit stat from accessories (we stack Swiftness) and it's well worth the drawback. Also, it works very well with Keen Blunt Weapon Keen Blunt Weapon


Gear Sets, Gems, Cards, etc.

  • Gear Sets - As a DPS Class, Soulfist wants his set to boost his offensive capabilities as much as possible. Here are the optimal Sets for each Tier: 
    • Tier 1: Seraphic Oath Set (Epic); Boisterous Elemental Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 2: Marvelous Earth Set (Epic); Unyielding Will Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 3: Twisted Dimensional Set (Epic); Preordained Diligence Set (Legendary) 
      • Late Game mixed Set options: 
        • Over 1415 GS: Preordained Diligence Set Gloves and Shoulders (Legendary) + Demon Beast Strength Set Chest, Legs, Head, and Weapon (Legendary) 
        • Over 1430 GS: Preordained Diligence Set Gloves and Shoulders (Legendary) + Demon Beast Strength Set Chest and Legs (Legendary) + Dominion Fang Set Head and Weapon (Relic) 
        • Over 1445 GS: Dominion Fang Set Head, Weapon, Chest, and Legs (Relic) + Poem of Salvation Set Gloves and Shoulders (Relic) 
  • Gems -  With these, you can apply a Cooldown Reduction or Bonus Damage to your Skills. There is a limit of 11 Gems; you should distribute them in the following way: 
    • You should use Cooldown Reduction Gems on the following Skills: ShadowbreakerShadowbreaker, Energy ReleaseEnergy Release, Tempest BlastTempest Blast, Merciless PummelMerciless Pummel, Heavenly SquashHeavenly Squash, Force OrbForce Orb 
    • You should use Attack Gems on the following Skills: ShadowbreakerShadowbreaker, Tempest BlastTempest Blast, Merciless PummelMerciless Pummel, Heavenly SquashHeavenly Squash, Force OrbForce Orb 
  • Cards - Depending on your budget, you should go for one of the following Card Sets: 
    • Light of Salvation Set - A Full set offers +30% Dark Damage Reduction, changes your Damage type to Holy, and increases your Holy Damage dealt by 15%. 
    • Lostwind Cliff Set - A Full set offers +25% Dark Damage Reduction and +7% Critical Rate. This one is the cheaper of the recommended two. 



This is the initial version of our Energy Overflow Soulfist Raiding Build for Lost Ark, where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! 

If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. 

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Tripod Studio and Smilegate RPG