Full Access = PSN ID + PASSWORD & EMAIL ID + PASSWORD + email login link
RP Rank: 30 Level
Total Assets 50 Million With Cash + Deluxochr('39')s ( Total Assets worth 100 million, not just cash, including Deluxo cars )
Characters can be Male/Female
Clean/New Fresh Modded Account (Works in PS4)
Note: You will receive money in the form of Cash & Cars (Partially). Each car can be sold @ 3.2 Million & total cash!
Note: As per the latest GTA update, Selling more than 1 Vehicle (Deluxos) within 18 hours will result in receiving only 50% of the value for the previous car, so we recommend only selling once every 18 This Account doesnchr('39')t include GTA 5 game and console you already own both on your main account, you donchr('39')t need to buy it again, otherwise, you need to buy No previous owners; the account is created by our team for sale only. Safest possible methods used to add levels and No Modded Cars & Modded Outfits
Account Extra advantage
salvage yard
bail office
mk oppressor
Mobile Operation Center
Important Note: You Can Change Email To Your Desired Email Address (only After checking the account if changed email before checking we cant able to refund or replace if any issue occer)
Important Note: This account will only work on the Normal GTAV version on PS4 WONchr('39')T WORK on GTAV Enhanced/ Expanded Gtav version
In case of any problems, contact the seller . We are here to resolve your issues and do our best to help you!