25 (Click on the icon to view details)


⚡VIP RANK |3.86B NW | 126.0 SB LVL| 14.0 CATA | 36 SA | 7 HOTM | 17.0 MINION SLOTS⚡

⚡VIP RANK |3.86B NW | 126.0 SB LVL| 14.0 CATA | 36 SA | 7 HOTM | 17.0 MINION SLOTS⚡
1 - PC
1 1
  • 20 mins.
  • 13:26:42
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 0% 200.00
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

Also I sell other accounts with 400m - 10B networth, check my profile ✔️ https://odealo.com/market/offers/tolxik/minecraft-hypixel/accounts

⚡VIP RANK |3.86B NW | 126.0 SB LVL| 14.0 CATA | 36 SA | 7 HOTM | 17.0 MINION SLOTS⚡

✅account nickname EmoUwU
✅stats: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/EmoUwU
✅rank account VIP
✅Networth 3.86B Purse 162.56M (0.00 soulbound)
✅126.0 Skyblock level
✅Average Skill Level:36
✅Duo coop

✅Taming 23.0 ✅Farming 28.0
✅Mining 23.0 ✅Combat 22.0
✅Foraging 15.0 ✅Fishing 21.0
✅Enchanting 21.0 ✅Alchemy 21.0
✅Carpentry 23.0 ✅Social 2.0

⛏️7 HOTM⛏️
⭐️Mithril Powder:7.71M
⭐️Gemstone Powder:8.85M
⭐️Glacite Powder:8.00K

✅Catacombs 14.0 ✅Healer: 12.0
✅Mage: 9.0 ✅Berserk: 8.0
✅Archer: 10.0 ✅Tank: 10.0

4.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 0.0 / 0.0

✴️After purchasing an account, you will IMMEDIATELY be able to change all data, namely:
⚡Change password
⚡Change nickname
⚡Change email
⚡Change skin