Games Marketplace - Odealo
0.00 25 (Click on the icon to view details)


(US EU Asia Permanent) 1 unit = 1000 Flame Elementium, Mini Order 5usd

(US EU Asia Permanent)  1 unit = 1000 Flame Elementium, Mini Order 5usd
(US EU Asia Permanent)  1 unit = 1000 Flame Elementium, Mini Order 5usd - image
1 9988
  • 60 mins.
  • 06:34:41
Actual price 0.50 for 100 Flame Elementium
Units Discount rate Price / 1 unit
1 0% 0.50
Total price 0.50 for 100 Flame Elementium
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)
Step 1 / 2

Choose server

Please choose one of available server for this offer.

Trade Method: Auction House.
You need to reach level 60 and be able to unlock Trade House first;
We strongly recommend listing the pedigree of gods for the amount of currency you buy;
If you buy more than 8k Flame Elementium, please list a few pedigree of gods at 3000 or 5000 Flame Elementium each;
Take a screenshot of the items you listed and send it to us;
The market needs 30-60min to show your item after you list it;
We will buy that item you put up; then you will get currency;
We do not cover Auction House Fees.

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Choose your default server

Please choose your default server for the selected game.