Games Marketplace - Odealo
0.00 25 (Click on the icon to view details)


(US EU Asia Permanent) 1 unit = 100 Flame Elementium

(US EU Asia Permanent) 1 unit = 100 Flame Elementium
(US EU Asia Permanent) 1 unit = 100 Flame Elementium - image
1 9999
  • 20 mins. This user has set his status to "currently not available". Delivery time might be extended. (Click on the icon to view details)
  • 21:14:11
Actual price 0.04 for 100 Flame Elementium
Units Discount rate Price / 1 unit
1 0% 0.04
Total price 0.04 for 100 Flame Elementium
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

Enter the name of the game character

1 unit = 100 Flame Elementium

Trade Method: Auction House

1. You need to reach 60 Level to unlock Trade House first
2. List “Pedigree of Gods” (Legendary Slate) (You can buy the pedigree of gods from Auction houses if you don't have one)
3. The market needs 15~30min to show your item after you list it

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