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The best GW2 Builds - all classes and professions guides

The best GW2 Builds - all classes and professions guides

Check out the best builds for all Guild Wars 2 Professions

Guild Wars 2 Professions Guide
The best builds for all the classes coming soon!


Guild Wars 2 offers its players nine Basic professions to choose from, and then further two elite professions available for each basic one at a level 80 (one of them requires the Path of Fire expansion pack, and the second comes with the Heart of Thorns expansion pack). Professions can be divided into three categories that are based on the armor type that they can equip: Lightly armored Scholars (Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist), Medium Armored Adventurers (Thief, Ranger, Engineer), and Heavily Armored Soldiers (Warrior, Revenant, Guardian). None of the professions are Gender-locked, and all of them can perform a multitude of combat-related tasks, like Supporting, Damage Dealing, and Controlling engagements. Every profession has its specific traits and flavors that are expressed in the unique mechanics, effects, and skill types. It is worth noting that once selected, the profession cannot be changed. This Guide will aim to introduce you to all nine of the GW 2’s professions and briefly describe their elite extensions. It will highlight flavors, strong points and main gameplay features of each of them while also trying to point out the weaknesses in order to create a clear comparison tool for new and experienced players alike.


Guild Wars 2 Professions


Combat Roles Healer, Support, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Light
Main-Hand Weapons Scepters, Daggers, Axes
Off-Hand Weapons Warhorns
Two-Handed Weapons Staves, Sceptres, Daggers
Aquatic Weapons Tridents, Spears
Profession Description – Necromancers are known for their mastery of the Dark Arts and the ability to wield the power of lost souls as a weapon. They are able to force their enemies to flee, weaken them, drain their vital powers, and then slowly grind them down. Necros are able to cheat the death itself, by bringing allies back from the dead, or by rising undead as their minions. They also possess the Death Shroud unique ability, which lets them spend the life force of fallen allies and enemies to deal damage and protect themselves.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Able to Transform the Enemy’s Boons into negative Conditions
 Causes fear to its enemies
 Good at Supporting as well as Damage Dealing
 Master of Dark Magic, able to summon undead minions
Elite Specializations
Scourge (Path of Fire) – Picking this profession will increase Necromancer’s Condition Damage and Crowd Control potentials. Scourges can’t use Death Shroud, but have the ability to summon up to three Sand Shades, which will aid his allies, and deal small amounts of AoE Condition Damage to enemies; Scourges can wield Torches
Reaper (Heart of Thorns) – Reapers are potent melee range AoE Damage dealers. Their Death Shroud ability gets replaced by the Reaper’s Shroud which works similarly to its counterpart but is focused heavily around dealing Area of Effect Damage. In addition to that Reapers gain access to instant abilities called Shouts; Reapers can wield Greatswords
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Combat Roles Support, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Light
Main-Hand Weapons Swords, Scepters, Axes
Off-Hand Weapons Torches, Swords, Shields, Pistols, Focuses
Two-Handed Weapons Staves, Greatswords
Aquatic Weapons Tridents, Spears
Profession Description –  Mesmers are known for their ability to manipulate the surrounding environment by creating illusions, phantasms, and clones. They are able to confuse their enemies and strike on them in the most unexpected moment. Mesmers are especially welcomed in the group content, regardless of its type, as they enable entirely new strategies, thanks to their unique utility kit.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Master of Deception, able to create Clones and Illusions
 Able to shatter their Illusions for bonus effects; causes confusion to Enemies
 Provides a wide range of Supporting and Utility skills
 Able to block incoming damage by evading or using Stealth Magic
Elite Specializations
Mirage (Path of Fire) – Picking this profession replaces Mesmer’s dodge ability with the Mirage Cloak, which allows Mirage to evade enemy attacks for about a second, and opens a time window during which he can use one of his Ambush Skills. Mirages utility toolkit revolves around deception, shadowstepping and changing positions rapidly; Mirages can wield Axes.
Chronomancer (Heart of Thorns) – Choosing this profession allows Mesmer the ability to manipulate Time and gives him abilities that can provide Alacrity, which gives a faster skill recharge to himself and his allies. Chronomancers can also utilize a Boon called Quickness that increases attack speed, and reduces casting times. They also get access to a unique ability called Continuum Split, which allows the creation of alternative Timeline for a short period of time (any spells and abilities used during its uptime will be refreshed and their costs will be refunded when the ability ends); Chronomancers can wield Shields.
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Combat Roles Healer, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Light
Main-Hand Weapons Scepters, Daggers
Off-Hand Weapons Focuses, Daggers
Two-Handed Weapons Staves
Aquatic Weapons Tridents
Profession Description – Elementalists are able to manipulate the very natural energies of the world of Tyria; water, air, earth, and fire. They use those bound Elements to tear their enemies apart or to heal and protect their allies. The wide array of weapon skills (Elementalists can freely swap between their Elemental attunements) makes them very adaptable, but somewhat difficult to master.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Spellcasters able to channel elemental forces
 Glass Cannon Profession
 They have the power to attune to elements and charge their weapon skills with them
 Can specialize as a Healer
Elite Specializations
Weaver (Path of Fire) – Weavers have the unique ability, that lets them combine Elements, which in turn provides Weavers with a multitude of ways to Deal Damage. They  also gain some extra crowd control abilities (provided by Swords); Weavers can wield Swords
Tempest (Heart of Thorns) –  Tempests have an ability to Overload their current attunement, which allows Him to gain bonus effects based on the chosen Element. Choosing this profession also grants access to Shout utility skills; Tempests can wield Warhorns
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Combat Roles Damage Dealer
Armor Type Medium
Main-Hand Weapons Swords, Pistols, Daggers
Off-Hand Weapons Pistols, Daggers
Two-Handed Weapons Shortbows
Aquatic Weapons Spears, Harpoon Guns
Profession Description – Thieves are very sneaky and stealthy individuals, who prefer to avoid open confrontations, and favor surprise attacks and ambushes instead. They are capable of moving through the shadows and vanishing into thin air. Thanks to their high Agility, Thieves are able to steal items from their enemies and poison them with potent, deadly venoms.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Experts in the Shadow arts can steal items from enemies
 Can use Stealth to hide their position, and approach Targets unnoticed
 Very strong Burst Damage out of Stealth, great ambushing Profession
 Very agile and acrobatic Profession, able to dodge incoming damage
Elite Specializations
Deadeye (Path of Fire) – Picking this profession turns a Thief into a ranged damage dealer, who is able to sacrifice its mobility by Kneeling in order to do massive amounts of Damage. Deadeye also possesses a unique trait called Malice, which can be used to decrease skill cooldowns and increases His Damage gradually; Deadeyes can wield Rifles
Daredevil (Heart of Thorns) – Daredevils can dodge up to three attacks in rapid succession (one more than a regular Thief) and specialize in hand-to-hand combat; Daredevils can wield Staves
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Combat Roles Damage Dealer, Healer (Druid Elite Spec only)
Armor Type Medium
Main-Hand Weapons Axes, Swords
Off-Hand Weapons Warhorns, Torches, Daggers, Axes
Two-Handed Weapons Greatswords, Longbows, Shortbows
Aquatic Weapons Spears, Harpoon Guns
Profession Description – Rangers are closely connected to the nature of Tyria; this connection allows them to summon spirits and command pets. They prefer ranged engagements and bring their foes down from afar with bows. If an enemy manages to come close to a Ranger, he will be surprised by traps set up just for the occasion like that. Thanks to wide utility toolkit, Rangers are able to adapt to almost any combat situation.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Ranged Profession, relies on proper positioning and smart decisions
 Pets aid Rangers in battle
 Able to buff friendly Targets, and summon spirits
 Can set traps
Elite Specializations
Soulbeast (Path of Fire) – This elite specialization allows Ranger to merge with his pet (so-called Beastmode), this gives him bonus attributes, and three extra pet skills (those bonuses change depending on your current pet type); Soulbeasts can wield Daggers in their Mainhand
Druid (Heart of Thorns) – Becoming a Druid allows Ranger to become a very strong Healer. Druid have access to the Avatar Form, that allows them to do very powerful healing bursts; Druids can wield Staves
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Combat Roles Support, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Medium
Main-Hand Weapons Swords, Pistols
Off-Hand Weapons Shields, Pistols
Two-Handed Weapons Hammers, Rifles
Aquatic Weapons Harpoon Guns
Profession Description –  Engineers implement a wide range of hazardous (and very volatile) inventions while in combat. Their turrets, mines, elixirs, and grenades let them control engagements, support allies, and lay waste to enemies (they just like to blow things up, really). They are the real masterminds of the world of Tyria, capable of utilizing their utility kit to find a way out from any dangerous situation.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Tinkers and Inventors that focus on blowing things up
 Able to place turrets and mines or throw grenades and bombs
 Known as alchemical and technological masterminds (or crazy people)
 Their Tool Belt Mechanic grants them an extra skill to equipped Healing, Elite, and Utility skills
Elite Specializations
Holosmith (Path of Fire) – Choosing this Specialisation gives Holosmith access to the Photon Forge mode, which provides Him with new Skills that increase his Heat Bar after the bar reaches 50%, it will provide Holosmith’s skills with increased effects, and damage boosts; Holosmiths can wield Swords.
Scrapper (Heart of Thorns) – Scrappers use Hammers as their weapons of choice, this allows them to reflect, block and stun their enemies while also providing an ability to dash. Scrappers also gain access to drones called Gyros, these flying devices provide you and your team with boons, and they can also self destruct to damage Scrapper’s enemies.
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Combat Roles Support, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Heavy
Main-Hand Weapons Maces, Swords, Axes
Off-Hand Weapons Shields, Maces, Warhorns, Axes, Swords
Two-Handed Weapons Rifles, Longbows, Greatswords, Hammers
Aquatic Weapons Harpoon Guns, Spears
Profession Description –  Warriors are the martial artists of Tyria, who rely on their toughness, speed, strength and heavy armor while in combat. They are capable of landing devastating Adrenaline Powered blows to their enemies, but are not your typical mindless brutes that rely on raw power; these melee fighters possess a wide range of utility, defensive and crowd control abilities as well.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Masters of melee combat
 They are powered by the Adrenaline, the longer they fight, the stronger they get
 Able to inspire Allies and demoralize Enemies
 Capable of massive burst damage attacks when capped on Adrenaline
Elite Specializations
Spellbreaker (Path of Fire) – This elite profession focuses around countering enemies in combat, and gives Warrior the Full Counter Adrenaline Ability, which absorbs and reflects damage in a dome around the Warrior; Spellbreaker can wield Daggers.
Berserker (Heart of Thorns) – Picking this profession enhances the Warrior’s abilities, and grants the Berserk Adrenaline ability, which allows the use of a powerful burst attack and increases the attack speed; Berserker can wield Warhorns.
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Revenant (Heart of Thorns)
Combat Roles Healer, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Heavy
Main-Hand Weapons Swords, Maces
Off-Hand Weapons Shields, Swords, Axes
Two-Handed Weapons Staves, Hammers
Aquatic Weapons Tridents, Spears
Profession Description –  Revenants possess unique ability to summon the powers of the ancient Legendary Figures from the world of Guild Wars, thanks to their skill in using the force of the Mist. They wield powerful auras and can utilize deadly Area of Effect skills that let them support their allies and destroy their enemies while unleashing chaos on the battlefield around them. 
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Able to evoke powers of the long deceased Legendary Figures
 Able to call in Artillery Strikes
 Able to summon Spectral Weapons
 Very aesthetically pleasing skill effects
Elite Specializations
Renegade (Path of Fire) – Renegades have an ability to evoke powers of the Kalla Scorchrazor (a powerful Charr), that allows them to bombard their enemies, and summons other Charr that provides Boons to Renegades allies, and disrupts hostiles; Renegades can wield Shortbows.
Herald (Heart of Thorns) – Becoming a Herald allows the Revenant to evoke powers of Glint (a powerful Dragon from first Guild Wars), allowing him to share his Boons with allies, while also providing potent Crowd Control capabilities; Heralds can wield Shields.
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Combat Roles Healer, Support, Damage Dealer
Armor Type Heavy
Main-Hand Weapons Scepters, Maces, Swords
Off-Hand Weapons Shields, Torches, Focuses
Two-Handed Weapons Staves, Greatswords, Hammers
Aquatic Weapons Spears, Tridents
Profession Description – Guardians are devoted protectors of Tyria, known for their ability to channel defensive and protective magic. They utilize the power of their virtues to smite down enemies and defend friendly Targets. Their selflessness leads them to great sacrifices, which pave the way to victory for their allies. Guardians are regarded as the toughest fighters in the game because they possess many very powerful elite and utility skills.
Main Profession Gameplay Features
 Gains power from his Virtues
 Able to Buff and protect allies
 Thanks to strong utility spells and elite skills it is regarded as the most Durable Profession in the Game
 Defensive and Protective magic specialist can sacrifice his own defenses in order to empower an ally
Elite Specializations
Firebrand (Path of Fire) – Picking this changes your active abilities, depending on the activated Virtue, it also increases Guardian’s Crowd Control potential and grants a new set of abilities called Mantras; Firebrand can wield Axes.
Dragonhunter (Heart of Thorns) – This spec allows the Guardian to place light and holy traps, and upgrades Virtues. Becoming a Dragonhunter makes a Guardian effective ad medium to long ranges; Dragonhunters can wield Bows.
The Best Builds
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Picking up the right profession is a difficult task. Players that do not put much thought to it, often end up despising their newly created character, and rerolling as a new profession, wasting a lot of time in the process. We hope that this guide will help you avoid this fate and contribute to your fun, and progressive game experience.

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below. We also plan on expanding this guide with further sections, so stay tuned.

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