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Item delivery and confirmation

Odealo is not a party to any transaction. Item delivery and provision of services is done directly between users on the terms described in the offer. Buyers are obliged to determine the delivery method, its time or duration, and any other relevant information in the offer description.

When accepting offers, users are advised to always make contact with the seller about all the details of the delivery. It is also recommended to double-check the character name when provided to the buyer -- in many games sending gold or items to a wrong character is unrevokable and buyer takes full responsibility for inputting wrong data.

After successful delivery of goods or services, users are obliged to confirm the transaction's completion. The payment(credits) for the transaction is transferred to the seller after the buyer's delivery confirmation. After it, it is no longer required from the seller to confirm the shipment. On the other hand when the seller confirms shipment, the buyer has 3 days to reject the claim and open a dispute or confirm the delivery aswell. If he takes no action during that time, the system will assume successful resolution of the transaction and transfer the credits to the seller.

Maximum delivery time within Odealo system is 30 days. It is not possible to post offers with longer delivey time. Each transaction will expire if no action is taken for 30 days of its conclusion. Any credits locked in accordance to such transaction will be fully refunded to the buyer.


Where do I confirm the delivery/shipment of my transaction?

All your transactions can be found in My purchases or  My sales subpages within your user's account. When you have the list of all your active transactions visible just click the Details button to open a list of all important information and all options available regarding this transaction.

I have not received my items, what should I do?

The first thing to do is always contacting the seller. If the indicated delivery time is overdue, and the seller doesn't respond to your messages, you can always request cancellation of the transaction.  If for some reason, the seller rejects your requestests and still does not seem to be willing to complete the transaction please contact Odealo administrator.

I have not received the items, but the sellers claims he sent them. What should I do?

First of all it is advised to contact with the seller. It is possible it was indeed shipped, but in a different manner of way then you expected. Also make sure the character or account name you provided was accurate. In worst case scenario you can always report missing items in the Transaction details window. This process will require confirmation after several minutes, as it will automatically opens a dispute that requires us to assign a mediator to find a resolution of the claim. Please note, you will have 3 days to start a dispute, otherwise our system will assume a postivie resolution of the transaction.

What should I do if I have shipped the items, but the buyer doesn't want to confirm the delivery?

You should confirm the shipment and wait for the buyer's response. If he doesn't take any action, the order will be completed. Otherwise, a dispute will be opened. In the case of a dispute you will be asked to provide the proof of the delivery(screenshots, logs, videos etc.) to the designated mediator. Please keep in mind, collecting this type of evidence is necessary for a successful dispute resolution.