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Two-factor authentication

Every user with verfied phone number(second authorization level) can enable two-factor authentication in their account's settings.  The device on which the feature will be enabled will automatically become the Trusted device and any future first-time logins on different devices will require an sms code verification sent to the previously input phone number.

The feature is free, and we advise all users that plan to make transactions, store credits or diamonds to enable it, in order to increase the security level of their account.


Where do I find the two-factor authentication setting?

It can be found in your account's settings page under the tab Two-factor authentication you simply use the Enable button after you have verified your phone number on the Authorization page.

How can I disable the two-factor authentication?

You can do it in the exact same place where you have enabled it. 

I forgot which number I have used to verify my account -- how can I find it?

In such case please contact the Odealo administrator. If we can verify you are the real owner of the account we will be able to assist you.